Angela's First Time - Cover

Angela's First Time

by Rex


Erotica Sex Story: Collage man meets a freshman girl and shows her around

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   First   Oral Sex   .


I am a student. The semester ended about two weeks ago, and, as every year, on the last day there is the annual diner-and-dance night.

That was where I met Angela. She was 18. She’d just arrived three weeks before. As a courtesy, I offered to take her around and lend her any needed assistance.

Last Friday night she called me and gave the excuse that she couldn’t make it back to her place because it was too far away (a good 45 minutes’ drive), and asked if she could stay over my place. I readily agreed, and about ten minutes later she arrived. She said she was hungry so we drove out to a nearby takeaway place and grabbed a couple of hamburgers. We got back to my room and ate while watching telly, but since there was nothing much on, we switched it off and talked, making some tentative plans to visit some attractions.

At about ten, Angela said she needed to change, and I decided to bust out some cognac. When she came out of the bathroom, all she was wearing was an oversized shirt with the top three buttons undone and the bottom of the shirt hanging just two inches below her crotch. I instantly came to life as she shut the door behind her, and I thought I would rip right through my shorts as she bent over to put her clothes away, giving me a fantastic view of her wide-hipped firm ass.

Angela climbed on the bed with me. I handed her a glass of cognac, and we both made a toast for the coming summer and the fantastic time we would be having. I looked into her eyes and, sensing that she wouldn’t object, kissed her. Our tongues met and in less than 30 seconds, we were both panting heavily. My right hand reached down to caress her, then slowly moved up to unbutton the rest of her shirt and pull it off her shoulders. I immediately attacked her left nipple with my mouth while my hand went to work on the right one. Her nipples now stood hard and erect. I started stroking her thighs and her stomach, when I inserted my fingers into her panties and thru her curly patch and began to finger her clit, her whole body froze.

She clasped her long beautiful thighs together, and her last moan stuck in her throat. It took me quite a while before I realized what was happening.

“Are you a virgin?” I asked her.

In a soft cute voice, she shyly admitted that she was, and this was the first time she was, “really going to do it.” This was one opportunity I had no intention of letting slip away. Pushing her back on to the bed, I planted a deep forceful kiss on her mouth forcing her lips apart, our tongues met and she moaned deeply.

Her hands were rubbing my chest and back as I pulled her bikini panties off. I again began fingering her as I slowly worked my mouth down her tits to her pussy.

I thrust my face between her parted thighs and began licking her dripping snatch. Slowly and teasingly lapping at her thick and juicy pussy lips, and as I shoved my tongue up her, I felt an obstruction. Here was a real virgin, just waiting to get fucked for the first time; couldn’t believe my luck. Her cunt lips were closed so tightly together that I needed my fingers to pry them apart.

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