Alleyway Attack - Cover

Alleyway Attack

by Red Dragon


Erotica Sex Story: While fucking in an alley husband and wife get overpowered by a bunch of guys.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Rape   Reluctant   Fiction   Slut Wife   Gang Bang   Interracial   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   Oral Sex   .


I had an experience last month that I thought your readers might want to read about. It began while my husband, Hal, and I were returning home from watching a movie at an adult theater. Hal was really horny and so was I. On the drive home, I had my husband’s cock out of his pants and was sucking it while he fondled me. I got so worked up that I begged him to fuck me right then. He drove our car into a dark, deserted alley off the main street. I got ready to get into the back seat but Hal suggested that we do it on the hood. The danger of getting caught made me even hotter so I agreed to my husband’s suggestion.

I stood next to the car while my husband made sure no one could see us. He came around the car and told me to take off my blouse. I had it off in a flash! Hal reached around me and unfastened my bra, letting my 40” (DD) bbreasts hang free. I grabbed his hardon through his pants and gave it a firm squeeze. My husband pulled my bra off the rest of the way and began fondling my breasts. I could feel my juices flow as he sucked on my hard nipples. Hal told me to lay across the fender so he could screw me from behind. I turned around and bent over, laying my upper body on the warm hood. Hal unfastened my skirt, unzipped it, and le t it fall around my feet. Then, he pulled my panties down over my ass and let them fall. I heard him unzip and then felt his hands run up and down my thighs. I stepped out of my clothes at my feet and spread my legs wide apart to expose my waiting cunt.

I moaned to my husband, “Oh, yes! Yes! Fuck me, baby! I want your cock fucking me, now!”

He moved up behind my wet pussy and inserted his dick. I heard him groan and then he began pumping my slick wet hole. The feeling of being fucked, out in the open, on the hood of our car, made me crave Hal’s cock like an animal. He entered me with slow, steady pushes while he fondled the cheeks of my hot ass. Soon I knew Hal was loosing his control as his thrusts became quicker and more forceful.

My husband was fucking me like he does just before he is ready to come. He rammed into me with deep thrusts, causing my whole body to lurch forward with each one. I had already come once and was on my way to having another orgasm as Hal’s cock slid back and forth over my clit.

Just when I thought he was going to shoot his spunk into me, I heard some men’s voices and felt Hal’s cock jerk out of my pussy. I lifted my head and looked behind me to see two Latin men holding my husband’s arms as he struggled to get free. I didn’t know what to do so I began screaming as loud as I could and pushed myself up from the car fender that I was bent over. When I was almost fully standing again, a third man appeared from behind the alley wall and pushed hard at the center of my back. I fell forward onto the car hood and my cheek slammed into the warm metal.

The man who had pushed me down, pressed his hand into my back, holding me to the hood. The forceful shove I’d received caused me to stop screaming, but my mind was swimming with pure fear. I heard one of the men holding my husband say, “O.K. man, now you’re going to watch your old lady get fucked by us!” The man pressing on my back said, “Now watch real good, man. I think your woman, here, is going to like this!”

I managed to turn my head over onto the other cheek and saw Hal looking at me. He was fighting to free himself but the men holding him were overpowering my husband. I felt a hand slide over my ass and then I heard a belt buckle jingle and the sound of a zipper being pulled down. I was shaking with fear and tried to push myself up, but the pressure on my back increased.

My ankles were kicked hard to force my legs apart and several fingers poked at my pussy. My cunt was still wet from Hal’s fucking and I heard my attacker say, “Yeah, man! She got a wet cunt here!”

The other men were laughing and one said, “Yeah, fuck her! Fuck her so her old man here can see!”

I felt the man’s cock slide into me and I screamed out, “Get off me, you fucking bastard! Get off me!”

The cock slid further into me and the bastard said, “Just hold on, lady. Your going to like my dick fucking your hot pussy!”

His feet held my legs apart as his hands pinned my arms to the car.

He made grunting noises while he fucked me. He sounded just like a pig rooting as he thrust into me. The whole time I was getting fucked, I watched my husband’s agonizing face. Hal couldn’t help me as the other men forced him to watch. I felt the man’s hips press against my ass, his cock fully buried in my cunt. He groaned as his sperm gushed into me.

I had resigned myself to the fact that there wasn’t anything I could do to prevent my rape so I laid there lifeless on our car hood. After the man finished comming, he pulled out of me and walked around to where I could see him. He grinned as he looked at me and then at his cock, saying “Just look at the mess your pussy made on my dick! It’s fucking covered with your cunt slime, bitch!”

He grabbed my hair and pulled my head over to his waist and said, “Suck my dick clean! Suck all that slime off it, bitch!”

He held his cock to my lips and I took it in my mouth. I slurped off the mixture of my own juices and the bastard’s sperm while he moaned in delight.

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