Alisha Stays Over - Cover

Alisha Stays Over

by Alisha


Erotica Sex Story: Young woman stumbles on her neighbours naked and having fun. She watches and then gets to participate

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   .


We lived in a very nice neighbourhood next door to Michael and Maria.

He was very, very handsome and she was gorgeously beautiful.

When I was 11, I started visiting them, helping out with chores around their house. Michael was in the medical profession and Maria was in the public relations field.

Anyway, I love them both and was always over at there place as they were very interesting and fun people to be around. During the summer shortly before my fifteenth birthday, I went over there in the afternoon on a Saturday. I knew they were home, but they didn’t answer the door so I let myself in. I went upstairs as I could hear sounds coming from their bedroom. The door was open and as I entered the door way I could see that they were naked and on the bed. I said nothing ... just stood there in silence and watched.

She was blindfolded, gagged, and her hands were handcuffed together thru the headboard at the top of the bed. Her ass was placed on two pillows and her legs were up in the air. His head was between her legs and I watched as he licked her over and over again. Since she was blindfolded she couldn’t see me and he was too busy to notice me either.

The television was on and the sounds I had heard were coming from the video they obviously had been watching. It was two guys giving a women all kinds of pleasure. It took me several minutes to finally realize that it was her and two other men ... one I had seen at their house before, the other I had not.

Needless to say, I was in a state of shock. I just stood there open mouthed alternately watching them and the screen. Up until this time I was a virgin. Oh, I had allowed myself to be touched by boys ... but that was about it. I had never seen a man’s cock except for my brother’s and father’s after a shower or something like that and then only had caught a glimpse.

Now, before me were these two guys on the screen with great big dicks doing everything to this lady ... my next door neighbour. My thoughts were disturbed by her voice. Michael had removed the gag from her mouth and she was telling him to fuck her. Over and over again she said it. When he raised up from the bed I saw the biggest cock I’ve ever seen. It was massive ... very thick and a rulers length. And, it was beautiful!

He rammed it into her again and again and she cried out at what I thought at the time was pain and that he was hurting her terribly. He stopped for a few moments to release her hands and then I could she that she was enjoy it as she grabbed onto him, clutching his ass when her hands and seemed to be trying to drive him even deeper into herself. My nipples were hard and aching, and my pussy was hot and wet. I was so caught up in my enjoyment that I didn’t even notice her remove the blindfold. He pounded her and pounded her until I heard him say, “I’m going to cum.” She said she wanted it all over her and he pulled out and shot it all over her tits and face. He started to put it in her mouth when she saw me standing in the door way.

She was mad as hell and yelled at me, “What are you doing Alisha, what are you doing here?”

I turned and started to run down the stairs. He caught me at the front door. I was scared to death and didn’t know what he was going to do to me. I couldn’t take my eyes off his cock which was now just hanging there and dripping cum onto the floor. He ask me to come back upstairs and discuss this with them.

By the time we got back to their room she had put on a robe, and shut off the video. Michael was very relaxed but Maria was noticeably shaken and concerned with what I had seen. However, once we sat down she took control of the conversation. She said that they were very, very sorry about this but that I shouldn’t have just come in to their home and come upstairs unannounced. We talked about a lot of things, and how I felt about what I had seen and them personally.

I don’t recall everything I said, but eventually I told them that I had found this very exciting and had feelings I couldn’t really describe. Michael left the room to get us some juice or something to drink and Maria and I talked a lot more.

I ask her if it hurt when Michael just rammed his big cock into her. She said tha yes it did for a few moments, but that it was a pain she loved and one of pleasure. She added that someday I would enjoy it also. She knew I was a virgin, as we had several discussions on the subject over the past year ... we all had discussed sex openly on a few previous occasions. My parents were very open minded people and began teaching us about sex at early ages. So, I wasn’t dumb, just inexperienced. However, I saw things that day I knew nothing about, and told her so. She began to explain some of them when Michael came back.

Maria brought Michael up to date on what our conversation had covered and some of my questions. He then told me that Maria enjoyed having sex with more than one man at a time and that he enjoyed watching and participating in her pleasure. And, that it was the same for her. That she enjoyed watching him with other women and that he found great pleasure in having more than one women satisfy his desires. Maria then said that she was also bisexual and that she enjoy making love with other females too.

I told them both that I thought this was beautiful, that they were beautiful, that I loved them both and that I hoped to someday have the same type of relationship with my husband (if and when I got married). I told them that what I had seen was the most exciting thing I had ever witnessed in my life ... both on the bed and on the TV screen. Maria was a little embarrassed when I told her I knew the woman in the video was her. She started to deny it until I mentioned the friend who I had seen many times at their house.

I went home and thought of nothing else but them and what I had seen for two or three weeks. I masturbated and fantasized every night and many times on the weekends just thinking about them. I wondered what it would be like to have Michael touch me, kiss me, put his big dick in my mouth, feel him deep inside me, etc., etc. I also wanted to touch Maria very badly. I would lick my fingers tasting my nectar and pretend it was hers. She was everything I hoped to be as a woman, beautiful, sexy, big full breasts, gorgeous legs and ass, and had a handsome, loving husband ... with a big, beautiful cock. Over and over I thought of sharing pleasure with them.

Well, a month later it happened. I went over there early one Saturday morning to help Maria do something (I don’t recall what at the moment). It didn’t matter as we never got to it. Michael wasn’t home so we sat around talking. The conversation eventually led to what I had seen and I ask if she would show me the video. At first she said no but I persisted and she gave in. We got on the bed together and watched one tape after another for several hours. I could tell that Maria was very hot and bothered (me too but I didn’t say anything). I watched her do absolutely everything with men (as many as 4 at a time sharing her in every way possible) and with women. The latter were the best, except for those of just her and Michael together. They loved to tape their love making sessions and I was told they had over 100 such tapes.

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