Something New for Kate - Cover

Something New for Kate


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Kate's sexuality is awakened one night accidentally

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Bestiality   First   Oral Sex  

As their corn popped, Amy started giggling and poking Kate and making exaggerated sex faces. Kate stuck her tongue out and squinted her eyes shut in the most horrible face she could come up with, and Jack walked in while her eyes were closed and began tickling her savagely. She screeched and twitched, trying to wrench out of his arms and get away ... but he was too strong. She laughed so hard that she started choking on her own air, and Jack suddenly stopped.

“You okay?” He leaned down to the floor where she sat trying to catch her breath, and she leaped up to squeeze his ribs in a surprise attack. He yelled and stumbled back into Amy and they all tumbled to the floor, laughing and rolling around like puppies. Finally, Jack had them both pinned and basically immobilized.

“BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!” The girls exchanged devious glances. “You have to let us go get our popcorn; we have to put the cheese on it while it’s still hot or it won’t melt. You can have some when it’s ready.” Kate’s cheesy-popcorn offer was enticing, but Jack was no fool. “I can’t let you both go or you’ll ambush me, so I’m only going to let one of you go ... Amy, go get your popcorn and Katie’s going to stay here as my hostage. You’d better come back in here, or I’ll have to come after you.” His voice was laced with playful menace, and Amy giggled as she mumbled “okay.” He moved his arm just enough to let her slip out from under his body and scamper into the kitchen.

“Now, what am I going to do with you?” he quizzed his remaining captive. “You who tries to get me with a sneak attack.”

She noticed that his eyes really were pretty; when the light slanted one way they were blue, and then he’d glance away and they’d be silver. She also became acutely aware of the fact that she wasn’t wearing panties under her skirt. His eyes narrowed and he studied her closely for a moment, making her breath catch in her throat. His lips were plush pink specimens and his teeth were indeed pointed like a vampire’s (or at least the corner ones were) ... and his hair fell perfectly slanted across his forehead ... he even smelled good. What is wrong with me?! Kate wondered. “Does Amy have a crush on me?” he asked, after a brief moment of contemplation. The question caught her off guard, so her response was something of a mistake. “Yes-- I mean, No ... I don’t know. I can never tell with her. She’s weird.” That wasn’t exactly true - she could tell precisely and all the time - but she wasn’t about to admit it to him. He glanced up as Amy came back into the room with a blue bowl in her hand, and Kate found herself staring at his lip ring as he pulled away from her and stood up. “I think I’m gonna have to take a raincheck on that popcorn, ladies. I have homework to attend to.” Jack left the room and took the stairs two at a time, leaning against the wall at the top to listen.

The girls burst into giggles simultaneously. “Can you believe he was holding us down?!” cooed Amy. “I still can’t believe he touched me ... God, I’ll never wash this shirt again!”

Kate smacked her friend and grinned. “You never wash that shirt anyway.” She just couldn’t leave well enough alone. “MeeMee’s got a cru-ush! MeeMee’s got-- OUCH!” Amy took a dive into Kate’s stomach and they flopped on the floor again. They were too tired to fight, so they just lay on the carpet looking at each other. Amy rolled over on top of Kate and kissed her softly, just barely touching her lips ... and Kate opened her mouth to invite a French kiss. She’d only done it once before, and that was on a dare, but she figured she had nothing left to lose. Amy’s tongue touched hers lightly, and it was like licking a battery, only more powerful. Kate was too exhausted to do anything more than kiss, so they lay there and kissed. Their tongues danced like elves, and they touched each other gently, as though afraid of breaking each other.

Kate suddenly remembered the whole movie idea. “We should go get some movies while he’s still awake,” she suggested. Amy stood and pulled her friend up off the floor; they headed for the stairs as Jack scrambled to his room. He flipped on his radio and grabbed a book off his dresser. He was laying on his bed ‘studying’ when Kate knocked on his door. “It’s open.” They spilled into his room, demanding his complete attention though they were unaware of it. “I know it was open, but I wanted you to say we were welcome.” He looked at her hard. “Even though you really weren’t?” It was a lie. “Whatever. Can we borrow a couple movies? There’s nothing to do, and you have the best movie collection in creation.” Kate cut to the chase as Amy poked around in his stuff, looking as though her eyes might fall out of her head at any moment. “You know where they are,” he said, pointing at his closet and trying not to stare at her. He watched her legs as she walked to the closet door and stepped inside, flipping the switch as she went. “God it’s a mess in here...” He smiled sheepishly, embarrassed about the mess for the first time in his life. “Hey, can we watch Super Horror Freakshow?” She sashayed out of the closet with some movies tucked under her arm and one in her hand, pointed at him like a weapon. “You said that if I got an A in science I could borrow it sometime, and I got an A last quarter.” He frowned. “Last quarter? I think that’s expired by now. You should have watched it sooner...”

“No fair!” She chucked the movie at him and handed the other movies to Amy, preparing for a full-scale debate. “You can’t just say that an A expires! There’re no grounds for that. I was even nice to you and--”

“OKAY! You can watch the stupid movie ... but on one condition: I have to watch it with you and fast forward through the really bad parts.” She thought for a moment; by “bad” did he mean nudity or violence? No way to know without asking, and it was a dumb question anyway. “Sounds good to me. Just don’t eat all the popcorn.” He couldn’t help but watch her ass as she walked out of his room. I can’t believe I’m doing this, he thought.

After the girls had settled down in the den, turned the TV on and placed their precious popcorn between them, they called up to Jack. “Are you ready yet, pieface?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah...” His voice faded away as he came down the steps and caught the faint scent of sex lingering in the air. “Wow! You really broke out the heavy artillery,” Amy said as he dropped two bags of chips, a bag of cookies and two packs of m&ms on the coffee table. He set two cans of ice-cold soda on the glass with a clunk, and smiled. “Being the oldest has its perks.” He stuck the movie in the VCR, pressed play, and opted to sit on the floor near Kate’s end of the couch because Amy would probably have a coronary if he sat by her. He knew crushes could be intense.

The movie started quietly, in a hospital, but soon there were dead bodies walking around and all kinds of freaky happenings. Kate and Amy even screamed a few times when certain monsters jumped out or snuck up on someone. He glanced up to the couch and noticed that they were hugging each other in fear - and caught himself looking up Kate’s skirt, trying to see what was no longer covered by panties. He looked back at the TV and decided not to even look up again. He grabbed the remote and started to fast-forward through the sex scene. Kate lunged for his hand and pushed play before he could get the remote back. “What are you doing?” He snatched the remote from her and pushed stop, hiding it under the couch. “I thought we had an agreement!”

“And I thought that by ‘bad’ you meant gory. That’s just sex, and we want to watch it! We’re not toddlers, you know.” She had a point; it wasn’t that bad. Why not? He sighed. “Okay, but if you tell mom or dad...”

“We won’t! Just turn it back on already, and rewind it to where it starts.” He complied and they sat enraptured.

The main guy was kissing some girl on her neck, and he had his hands under her shirt. As he put a hand down her pants, Kate’s crotch got really hot. She figured Amy was feeling similarly, and since they’d covered themselves with the blanket from the back of the couch during the scary part, she thought a little fondling would be okay. She slipped her hand between Amy’s legs and parted her second lips. Amy caught her breath and stared at the TV as the guy started pulling the girl’s pants down and positioned himself between her legs so he could eat her out. Kate rubbed Amy’s slit slowly, feeling her fingers get wet and slick with Amy’s juices. Then the guy pulled his pants down and even though the camera angle didn’t let you see any nudity, they were obviously fucking. Kate stuck her finger inside Amy and rubbed her clit with her thumb. Her breath was coming really fast, but it was quiet compared to the moans and groans coming from the television. Amy’s cunt clenched around Kate’s fingers as her friend pushed and rubbed and finger-fucked her through the whole sex scene; a zombie suddenly appeared and Amy let out a gasp, thinking it was okay since the monster had finally made his appearance. She started to shudder and thankfully, more zombies started appearing to make her gasping orgasm sound like gasps of surprise. She clutched Kate’s hand in her own and pushed it against her clit while the throbbing in her loins subsided. Kate’s fingers slipped out of her friend with a soft appreciative smack.

Kate leaned forward to grab one of the soda cans with her other hand. She didn’t open it just yet, but lifted Amy’s shirt and laid the freezing cold can against her nipple - smiling as her friend twitched and seemed about to jump out of her skin. “Amy,” Jack’s voice seemed so sexy at that very moment. “It’s not that scary, really.” He looked at her and smiled, knowing that something was going on under that cover but not knowing exactly what and dying to know all the same. “She’s just a ridiculous scaredy cat,” Kate replied, giggling at her cleverness. She slid the can away from Amy’s breast slowly and looked back at the movie screen. Amy slumped back against the couch as Kate opened the soda and took a drink. “Can I have some?”

“I guess so.” She took the can and quite deliberately spilled it all over herself and Kate. “Oh shit!” Kate hopped up and whipped the cover away from where the soda was, not wanting to have to wash it. The blanket landed with a soft thump on Jack’s head. “Hey!” he exclaimed. “She spilled the soda! Now we have to go change ... do you think you can stop the movie for a minute?” Kate asked. “Sure,” he grumbled. He flipped the channels around a bit and said, “I’ll just watch something else, but try to hurry.” The girls stumbled up the stairs and out of sight.

As soon as they rounded the corner in the hall, Amy slammed Kate up against the wall, crushing her lips with a kiss. She shoved her knee between Kate’s legs to spread them and pushed her hand up under her skirt to touch Kate’s cunt. “What the hell was that all about?” Amy demanded between kisses. She squeezed Kate’s nipple with one hand while her other hand busied itself between her legs. “I just thought ... you would like ... me to ... touch you,” she replied, gasping as Amy’s fingers moved around inside her. Amy looked around and noticed a hairbrush with a nice smooth handle lying on the table next to them; she picked it up and bit Kate’s nipple as she shoved it in her pussy as far as it would go. Kate moaned as Amy fucked her with the brush handle and sucked her tits hungrily. Her legs quivered as she came, and she slid to the floor when Amy pulled the hairbrush out and tossed it aside. “You knew I wasn’t going to let you get away with pulling a stunt like that,” she said, towering over Kate and smiling triumphantly. She helped her friend up off the floor after a moment of recuperation, and they hurried upstairs to change into clean clothes.

The girls thumped down the stairs and into the den at long last, wearing matching tank tops and pajama pants. “What took so long? Did you have to go and buy that stuff?” Jack complained, knowing full well what they had been doing. “Well we couldn’t just walk around with soda all over us. We had to rinse some of it off, silly.” Kate smiled, trying to keep from sounding nervous. It wasn’t working. She plopped down on the couch next to Amy and sat in a half-lotus position, waiting for Jack to start the movie. He looked at them hard for a second or so, and pushed play. The movie picked up where it had left off, and there were zombies everywhere. It was all very predictable, and soon Kate and Amy had fallen asleep sprawled on the couch. Jack glanced up and noticed immediately that they were out like Christmas lights in July.

The movie was still in full swing, but he had lost all interest in it. He watched Kate and Amy slumber, and twitched every time they batted an eye or shifted. Kate moved her arm and placed it above her head and her tank top slipped a bit, exposing her breast. Jack flinched as her nipple popped into view, and moved over to get a closer look. His conscience took the back burner as he moved up to hover over her body. His breath grazed her breast as he brought his lips to her flesh for a brief daring kiss. She didn’t even twitch. He dipped his head lower to smell her hair. Vanilla - that was the scent of her shampoo. She moaned in her sleep, and his heart froze in fear ... but then she just kept sleeping, so he stayed. He ran his hand down her leg, just barely grazing her pajama bottoms and not quite daring to touch her smooth flesh. The hairs on the back of his arms stood on end as her hand came down and wrapped around his neck. “Mmmm ... There’s some in the ‘fridge ... I think it’s okay ... yeah.” She was talking in her sleep, confiding in him. He stifled a laugh. Her fingers twitched and caused him the most exquisite pain as they tickled the hair at the nape of his neck. He touched her nipple with the utmost care, as though trying not to get burned ... it felt like a jolt of lightning ran up his arm through his body to his groin. God, I’m an animal, he thought. He pulled away from her and sat back where he had been, watching the movie with renewed determination.

Kate shifted on the couch and turned so that her head was at the end he was sitting by. She was lying right behind his head, as he sat on the floor. She obviously wasn’t awake ... or was she? She sighed and shifted around a lot. Then, “Jack, can you scoot over a little so I can watch the movie some more?”

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