You Had to Ask - Cover

You Had to Ask

Copyright© 2025 by John D. Rodburn

Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - His sister tripped and her towels fell. He looked. She looked. Feelings were revealed, actions were taken

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Cousins   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

Uncle Don retired after twenty six years in the service. There was a big fanfare at the base, then a big party afterward. There were also things that he had to go to during the next week or two. That just happened to be the week that Sandy and I were moving out.

I’d gotten a job while I was still in school, working part time for an electronics firm. Right after graduation, they put me on full time. By the end of the summer, I had a house that I was renting with the option to buy.

Also by then, Amy had a job modeling. She was gone most of the time, but made up for it when she came home. We were seeing less and less of her then. Over the next two years, it got down to where she only came home about every other month. Little by little, she was taking her belongings with her.

This was having an effect on Sandy. I would sometimes find her crying. When I asked her about it, she wouldn’t say what was bothering her. I knew, but I wanted her to say it.

“You’re still in love with Amy, aren’t you?” I asked her.

“Yes. I miss her so much. I hate that job she has.”

“Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.”

“Don’t say that. I love her as much as I love you. She can’t just walk out of our lives.”

“There’s something else too, right?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“There’s something ... I can’t put my finger on it.”

She pulled away from me and turned around. That was almost the same thing she did the night she told me about her and Amy.

“We tell each other everything, right?” I said.

She slowly turned toward me, then looked up at me.

“I wanted her to be here for this. I wanted all of us to share in it.”

“In what?”

“I’m ... pregnant, Tommy. We’re going to have a baby.”

It didn’t take any time at all for it to sink in. I grabbed her and kissed her. I picked her up and twirled us around. At that particular time, I was the happiest man alive.

“You have just made me so happy,” I said. “When? When do I get to hold our baby?”

“In about six months. I got the results last week. I hoped that Amy would be here by now, so I waited.”

“We can call her. We’ll have to wait until tonight though. She can’t take calls when she’s on the set.”

“No. I want to tell her in person. Over the phone is so impersonal. I want her to share in our happiness.”

“Ok. If she calls, just ask her when she’s coming next. I just hope she arrives before the baby.”

It was two months before Amy showed up. When she did, she wasn’t the same. She was standoffish and seemed to be in another world. I found out why one day. She was taking drugs.

“Are you trying to kill yourself?” I asked her.

“You don’t know what it’s like out there in the modeling world, Tommy. Coffee just doesn’t wake me up in the morning anymore. Getting to sleep at night is a nightmare too.”

“Don’t you see what it’s doing to you? You need to quit.”

“I can’t quit. I have too many people depending on me. If I don’t model, people are going to lose their jobs.”

“The only one that’s going to lose a job is you, if you don’t kick the pills. You don’t think they have someone waiting for you to fuck up? There are a hundred girls just waiting to step in. Things will go on as usual. A girl will come along some day, push you off to the side, then step in right where you were. And you know what. You are the only one that will go.”

“You know what, Tommy? Fuck you. Fuck you and your sister. Fuck this whole miserable world.” She grabbed her coat and walked out.

Sandy was devastated. She was still crying, off and on, three months later when I got an email from Amy.

“Hi, Tommy,” is all it said.

I sent one back. “Hi, Amy.”

“How is Sandy?”


“I’m sorry.”

“You should be. Even though you fucked up her world, she still loves you.”

“And you?”

“I told you from day one that Sandy is my top priority.”

“I don’t know what happened to me Tommy.”

She went on to tell me about the life she had as a model. It wasn’t pretty. There were early mornings and late nights. The pills led to stronger drugs and parties. She had been raped three times while she was high, and arrested twice for drugs. She had to be seen with the ass hole that raped her because they were promoting them as being a couple. He was a model too.

They were promising her bigger and better things. Meanwhile, they had her living in a drafty trailer on the set while everyone else was put up in hotel rooms. She was expected to attend parties, whether she felt like going or not. At one, she spent most of the time throwing up in the bathroom, then got chewed out for it.

At first, I didn’t tell Sandy about the emails. I didn’t want her getting more upset than she was already. Eventually she found out, then started sending some herself. Amy didn’t go into as much detail with Sandy as she did with me. Sandy still didn’t tell her about the baby. She wanted to tell her in person.

I continued writing to Amy, and so did Sandy. It was my turn to be devastated after one of them. She had just got the results from her doctor that said that she may never be able to have children. It seems that the ass hole did some damage when he raped her.

“She said MAY not. I can still keep my fingers crossed.”

“Would it be ok if I keep mine crossed too?”

“I was hoping that you would.”

“When are we going to see you again?”

“Missing my pussy, are you?”

“Missing you. Sandy is the one that misses your pussy the most.”

“We’re wrapping up here in about a week. I don’t know what’s after that.”

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