Spy Sister - Cover

Spy Sister

Copyright© 2024 by John D. Rodburn

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Sister and her BFF practice their spying skill on him

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

I woke up one day, about two months ago, with my sister looking at me and smiling. I have a full size bed in my room that is against one wall. She was against the wall, on her side and propped up on one elbow. She also lay on my left arm.


Before I could say anything else, she got up, slid over me, and left the room. All I saw was her tight nightgown and her legs.

The next morning, it was the same thing. She got up and left. This time, it was a smaller nightgown, and the panties that went with it.

I tried to question her about it, but she either didn’t want to talk about it or she had to be somewhere.

This went on for a few more days, each one seeing a smaller nightgown, until the final day. That day it was just a bra and panties. Actually, it was a thong. I was ready for her then. Before she could get out the door, I was right there to stop her.

“Okay, Kendra. What’s going on here? Every day, you’re in my bed when I wake up, wearing almost nothing. Why?”

She didn’t say anything at first. She just looked at me and smiled.

“I’m developing my stealth mode,” she said.

“Your what?”

“My stealth mode. I tried a few years ago, if you remember, to get into your bed without you knowing it. I failed then, but I’m better at it now. I’ve figured out how to do it.”

“Why on Earth would you want to develop a ... stealth mode?”



“Stacy and I want to be spies when we graduate. There is a college that teaches some of what we want to learn. We figured that it would be easier to get into the CIA if we at least knew something of what we’d need to know to be spies.”

I have to tell you right now that my sister is not the brightest tack in the box, the easiest book on the shelf to read or ... a full deck of cards. She has had some really hair-brained ideas since she was about ten years old. You’d think that at seventeen, she would have grown out of it by now. Noooo, not her.

“But why do you have to get into my bed? Why can’t you just sneak up on me somewhere else?”

“Well ... it’s more fun this way? Besides, I like to watch you while you’re sleeping. You look so ... sexy.”

“Okay, sis. That’s the last time you get into my bed while I’m asleep. Go find someone else to surprise, like a CIA agent. A real one.”

“That would be impossible. Nobody is supposed to know who they are. Boy, you don’t know anything about spies, do you?”

“No, and I don’t want to either.” I opened the door to let her out of my room. “Byyyyeeee.”

She stepped to the open door and turned around.

“You know what, Alex? One of these days I’m really going to show you what a spy can do. I have it all planned out. I just need Stacy to get a little bit better, and we’ll show you.” She turned and left.

Just a side note here: Have you heard the phrase, I want you to stay, but I like watching you walk away? That’s how I am with my sister. I know I shouldn’t, but I look at her just like the other guys do. She has long, auburn hair that goes straight down her back. It billows out when she walks, giving it the look of a cape behind her.

What she wears doesn’t help either. Since she’s known what an attraction she is to boys, at about thirteen or so, she has almost been flaunting it. She wears short skirts that come down to almost mid-thigh. Her blouses push the limit in her high school.

At home, her shorts are almost illegal. The crotches cover just about all they have to, and not a millimetre more. She has several pairs that are slit up the sides, almost to her waistband. The only tops she wears are tube tops, and they are stretched and tucked into the right places. She brings the tops of those down far enough to just cover her nipples. I think she tweaks them just before she enters a room because her nipples are always hard as nails.

On that particular morning, she had on a bra that just came up enough to cover her nipples, and her panties/thong only covered most of her mound. There was about a half inch on both sides that it didn’t cover. The waistband, that I could see, went down on her hips enough to just come to the top of her mound area.

The back wasn’t covered at all. In the darkness of the hallway, I didn’t even see a string or a waistband. I watched her walk all the way to the stairs and start downstairs. I couldn’t believe she went down there like that, but, that was my sister, Kendra.

As usual, I went through my whole day thinking about her. It was Friday, half way through summer. I got a job right out of high school at a construction site. I started as a grunt/go-fer, but one of the carpenters has taken me under his wing, so to speak, and is teaching me the basics. I enjoy my job ... when my mind can be on my job and not my sister’s ass.

About the time she noticed she was gorgeous, so did I. I was fourteen and she was thirteen. I did everything I could to get a look at as much naked skin on her as I could. If you are a brother, then you know what I mean. One day it happened.

I stood by the bathroom door as she took a shower. A little after I knew that she was out and drying off, I opened the door and pretended that I didn’t know she was in there. I could have picked a better time though. I got in there just as she was pulling up her panties. Before it got too far, I noticed the sanitary pad in the crotch of them. The towel she had on her head came down and covered her tits. I never tried that again.

Actually, after that I didn’t have to try much of anything. That’s when she started wearing the skimpy clothes around the house. She purposely opens my door all the time, to ask me something, when she’s coming out of the shower. She never gets dressed in there anymore. The towel she wears comes down almost to her nipples, and only covers about half of her ass.

Once in a while she will pull out a chair at the kitchen table, put her foot up on it and start playing with, or painting, her toenails. She always sits facing me, and has her legs open. I have actually seen some bare pussy parts because she sits in a way that pulls the crotch of those shorts tight. She drives me mad sometimes.

Just the other night, she had on that skimpy nightgown that I told you about at the beginning of this story, but I don’t think she had the panties to it on. She sat on my bed in a way that she had her legs crossed, and the hemline kept creeping up. It didn’t go far enough though. She suddenly got up and left. I did catch a little bit of the bottom of her ass cheeks though.

The source of this story is HotSexStories

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