Pet Project - Cover

Pet Project

Copyright© 2024 by Coyote

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Pet begins writing racy short stories for a woman's magazine, when she admits to her husband that interracial sex would turn her on. What happens next involves her best friends and her hubby.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Cuckold   Sharing   Wife Watching   Gang Bang   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Size  

It was a strange night for Pet, as she slept fitfully, dreaming of her ordeal, but with an unusual satisfaction of sexual fulfillment and deep-seated happiness. Morning was not rushed, and the mixed household made no effort to rouse the others as they woke according to their own schedules. By the time Pet could sleep no more, several of the men were already preparing breakfast, and the smell of frying bacon and hot coffee wafted along the warm summer breeze. Although she remained naked, Pet stretched like a young girl with hands high above her head and toes pointed. Rolling over to one side, she encountered a smiling black face with incredibly white teeth that said, “Good morning, sunshine.” Pet didn’t know the name of the man, but had slept next to him all night, being fondled at will. She wasn’t that surprised, and responded with an equally pleasant response as she subconsciously reached down to grasp his black dick. The feeling was that of casual sensuality and seemed so natural that she smiled as she moaned her delight. The man didn’t insist on sex, nor did she have that in mind, but rather it was a slow wakening to another day of discovery and freedom that Pet was growing to cherish. Even though she smiled, she thought to herself that no one could guess that it was her birthday today.

When she finally got up, the man escorted her into the bathroom where they showered together. They took turns soaping each other’s bodies in a slippery mix of black and white without limits. They moved in virtual silence as they completed their routine by drying, making minor adjustments, and then returning to the main room of the house, naked together. Darden, Carl, Josh and another man were awaiting the pair with a full breakfast spread before them.

“Now that’s a switch,” voiced Pet. “I was expecting that you would want your white bitch to make breakfast for you, instead of the other way around.” She couldn’t believe hearing herself blurt out those words so easily, but quickly attributed it to her accepted new lifestyle.

“Let’s just say that any possession worth keeping is worth taking care of. Besides, you’re not really a slave, Pet,” said Darden as he sipped his coffee and offered her a seat.

Pet’s face had a puzzled and almost disappointed look. Darden picked up on the confusion and continued, “Oh, not a slave like in chains, but more of a modern, willing slave. What your master wills of you, you do because you want to please yourself as much as you want to please him. It’s your inner spirit that’s really free ... free enough to let go and fight some preconceived notion that you’re enslaved.”

“I don’t get it,” Pet protested.

“Sure you do. You know very well that you have a choice. You didn’t have to come here yesterday. You didn’t have to stay. You didn’t have to parade around nude among all those people, then have sex for their entertainment. You could have left, but you didn’t. You stayed because you wanted to, because it was your choice. Tell me, where else in your life do you have choices that are ready to be made? What other barriers are you ready to break?” Darden spoke pleasantly, firmly, and almost lovingly as he continued with his breakfast.

“Choice? You call this a choice?” Pet said as she accepted a glass of champagne and orange juice. “I had no choice. Why, the very idea of those tapes and photos of me being black sexed ... being sent to my friends, my family. And now, to see that you’re distributing them to perfect strangers. I feel like a slut, a whore, like the worst wife and mother in the world. My life is in the toilet.”

Darden went over to the wall, took down a mirror that was hanging there, and held it in front of Pet. “Now, I want you to take a good look. Look at the image and be brutally honest to me. Does that look like a slut? Like a whore? Like hateful, spiteful, wretched person?”

The image showed a pretty blonde housewife, hair neatly done, rosy cheeks, diamond choker and matching earrings. “Smile, Pet,” Darden demanded, and the image became even prettier. “Personally, I don’t see any of those things. Perhaps the closest stretch of the imagination would be a slut to some, but a slut is no more than a person who dearly loves having sex, and does so without profit. No, what I see is a lady who is expressing her desires without fear of what the rest of the world thinks. Why, you even chose to wear your new jewelry because it makes you feel good, special, worthwhile.”

Darden’s words rang true in Pet’s ears, and, as she stared at herself, she began seeing the adult lady of whom he spoke. She began seeing her image with dignity and pride, even with enthusiasm that was kindled by his respect. To say the least, Pet was confused, and she still harboured fears.

“But, my husband, what about him? I can never tell him about what’s happening now. Our marriage would be ruined,” she said as she began crying.

“Pet, what’s your biggest fear. Better yet, what would you really like to have happen now? Do you want everything here to go away, and for you to return to what you had before? Would you like to keep discovering new feelings? What?”

“I just ... I just...,” Pet couldn’t seem to find the words, but then it came to her. “What I really would like, I mean if I really ruled the world right now, is if I could tell Rick and he would get terribly excited and thrilled about me and what’s going through me. More than anything in the world, I would want to share this and for him to be happy with me. I want to see a smile on his face. I want to see him get a huge hard-on watching me get stuffed with black meat. I want HIM to have some fun too, and maybe get some strange pussy for himself. Hell, I’d like to watch that! Then we could talk about it and be happy together. I just don’t want to do this alone ... I want Rick with me!” she was almost out of breadth with excitement.

“Ok, well you have the videos, the pictures, and the choice. You can’t tell me that you two have never fantasized about you having a black lover.”

“Of course we did,” said Pet as she bit into an English muffin. “but that was in the heat of having sex. You know, it was a stimulant, a fantasy.”

“So, did it work? Did you both get off on it?”

“Well, yeah...” Pet was at loss for excuses.

“Then stop feeling bad to make it okay. Just let it be okay. Besides, it sure hasn’t ruined your appetite,” Darden mused as he caught Pet in the middle of chowing down on the spread before her. She had either forgotten about her nakedness, or had become so comfortable with it that it no longer mattered as her breast dragged across the syrup that was poured over a short stack. Pet looked shocked as if not knowing how to clean her nipple, but, seeing her dilemma, her morning escort sitting beside her casually reached over lifted her breast and licked the sweet syrup from her nipple, sucking it to a stiff finish. Pet made no effort to stop the man, and, in fact, watched as the black lips engulfed her soft flesh. When her eyes met Darden’s, she immediately knew that he had been right, and the strange mix of pleasure and innocent lust was something that she could not live without.

Darden stared grinning at the scene, then said, “We’ll see what we can arrange about making your wishes come true, but first you have one more demonstration of sincerity to perform for the new business venture. One that I’m sure you’ll enjoy, not to mention our clients.”

Pet was still eating as she inquired, “and what’s that, oh great master?” Her tone was that of kidding with her lovers, playing the part of the white slave as she smiled and winked in mid bite.

“Everyone enjoyed your performance so much last night, that they were thrilled when I invited them to the auction this morning,” Darden explained.

“What? Don’t tell me you’re branching out into antiques,” Pet said jokingly.

“I would hardly call you an antique, my dear.” Pet nearly choked, and her heart pumped as he continued. “You see, one of our very special form of customer appreciation is to auction the services of a favourite member to the highest bidder. That way they can truly get what they pay for, and the excitement of owning their very own sex slave, well...”

“You can’t mean...”

“Why, yes, Pet. You are to be auctioned to the highest bidder, body and soul for the next three weeks. The clients were thrilled with the sample photos I sent, and a few were even in attendance yesterday, but most are invitees that will be seeing you and bidding on you for the first time in about,” Darden glanced at his watch, “an hour. So I suggest you finish up, get yourself cleaned and ready for your excursion, and think of something sexy to do and say while you’re being hawked to the highest bidder.”

“But, what about Rick?” she said in a panic. “He was supposed to meet me here this weekend. And what about clothes and things to bring? I can’t do this.”

“You see? There you go again mixing your concern for Rick, and your feminine concern for appearance in one breadth. The fact of life is that you will be sold as is, you will be used as your new owners see fit, and you will be returned to Rick at the end of three weeks thoroughly fucked, even impregnated if they so desire. Whose slave are you, cunt? Who’s your master, you white cum sucking bitch?” Darden was in her face and yelling to make his point. Pet never liked the word “cunt” and Darden knew it would get to her. He used is words and tone of voice masterfully, because he knew he would never stoop to violence, so his only alternative was to emotionally overpower his women.

“You ... you are, master,” she said as her eyes dropped and she put her life in his hands. Darden immediately backed away, voicing his pleasure, and left the room reminding Pet that she had but one hour to prepare. Pet was frightened out of her wits, but the odd thing she noticed was that her nipples were hard, and her pussy juices were flowing.

Patty helped Pet get prepared for the auction, making sure her hair was done in perfect order and her pussy was freshly shaved for the event. She was really quite helpful in calming Pet’s anxiety by assuring her that it would be a thrill of a lifetime to be sold as a sex slave.

“I didn’t know what to expect the first time I was sold, but when it was all said and done, I couldn’t wait for the next time,” said Patty.

“You were sold? Tell me what it’s like,” implored Pet.

“Oh, I really can’t tell you exactly because each time is different. The men set up a different scenario each time, trying to throw in some sort of twist that will really hype the bidders. It works too. Even though some of the things are repeats, the bodies are different, and it’s always one fucking good time! Pardon the pun.”

“So what do you think’s going to happen this time? Is there any chance of me being here when Rick expects me?” asked Pet. She spoke as she bent over to fasten the strap on her white heels.

“Geez! I can’t answer that, but I do know that you won’t be the only one auctioned, and I think the only way that you’ll see Rick this week is if he shows up to bid on you himself. Plainly speaking, you can kiss your rendezvous goodbye.”

Pet was flushed with a combination of intense worry, intense lust, and intense excitement. Patty had done a good job of preparing her, and was putting the final touch on her work of art by pouring a light coat of oil over Pet’s skin. She worked the oil from Pet’s neck to her toes, covering each crevasse with her fingers until she had touched and caressed every inch of her skin. Pet stood atop four inch heels with the face of a china doll and glistening nude body. Not a hair was left below her neck, and her exposed pussy sported a shining ring that drew attention to her baby smooth pussy. Pet was ready to be sold.

In order to be her escort, Patty was also required to dress appropriately. Not being a piece of merchandise to be sold this time, she chose something nonetheless revealing. It was a simple sun dress, not necessarily short, but was made of thin, semi-transparent material. Her breasts were outlined perfectly, and her nipples showed through as if the material wasn’t even there. The crack of her ass was invaded by more material that clung to her pantiless bottom, and her pussy was thinly veiled, but easily viewed. She too showed strong attractive legs atop her four inch heels.

It was about ten in the morning when Patty escorted Pet into the main room which was buzzing with activity. Food was being set up by caterers, men (mostly black) and women (mostly white) were getting into a party mood by introducing themselves, and changing into various forms of undress. Eyes turned to look Pet up and down, which made her body flush with exposed excitement and a feverish desire to be taken like she was the night before. The whole house was being transformed into a massive party that spread outside and continued to the docking area. Pet glanced out the window to notice several large cabin cruisers backing up to the dock, and more waiting their turn to settle in along side someone else. As the line formed, they made an affective barrier to passing boats making their way along the coast, allowing only glimpses of the shoreline. The beach house and their neighbouring house were effectively privatized from public view.

On entering the scene, it was clear that the party mood was in escalating with music blasting, areas filled with well dressed people sitting on padded sofas and chairs around low, sturdy cocktail tables, and others standing and conversing to the side. Furniture had been moved out onto the lawn making it more of a garden party. All in all, there had to be close to a sixty or more people - male, female, young and old. The party seemed to be grouped by tables, with anywhere from six to ten people per group, each identified with a small table sign indicating the groups origin, like Atlanta, Illinois, Florida, or Southwest. One of the group’s titles was FV Enterprises, which caught Pet’s curiosity, and she asked Patty if she knew anything about them.

“Oh, that’s Fantasy Venture Enterprises. It’s a very private organization that, as a side to their regular video productions, produce specialty videos of unusual nature by request.”

“OK, but will you give me a little background here? I mean, this is a great party, but who are all these people?” As she spoke, she could see that a few individuals in attendance were constantly drawing a crowd, including Patty and Pet. People would gather around, introduce themselves, ask a few questions, and then proceed to the next individual. All that time they would be eyeing her up and down, blatantly focusing on her ass or tits, and some even asking odd questions like, “So, do you have any racial preferences?” or “What are some of your wildest fantasies?” It was obvious that Pet liked the attention, but the forwardness of complete strangers gave her a body rush that reddened her skin, and caused an apparent nervousness in the hands holding her drink.

Patty smiled at the attention Pet was receiving, and began her explanation that she, being the originator of the sex slave auction, was in constant contact with other clubs and groups around the country. Of course, these groups shared many of their ideas for activities, parties, events, etc., and that she had organized this type of event as a spin-off from the Lifestyles convention each year, only more exclusive, and definitely more private. She shared a description of what she went through with some of the founders of other clubs, and found that they were very interested in doing something similar. Some of the clubs gave it a try and loved it, calling her with feedback, and eventually suggesting that they do something like it together, only on a larger scale.

Through months of organizing, Patty’s efforts came together in today’s event as an auction for the benefit of each of the clubs. Each club needed to select a representative or two to be auctioned away to another club for whatever purpose they wanted, and the proceeds would be used to cover expenses for that club’s “use” of the person, and to cover the expense of this event. If money was left over, then the individual would be given the remainder.

It suddenly became painfully clear that Pet was to be this club’s auction item, and that the attention she was getting was from other groups looking over the merchandise before deciding what to bid. Each member item had to come with the club’s suggestions for use and abuse that the buyer could use to get better “service” out of the merchandise. Pet could just imagine what suggestions Darden had made for his new business partner.

“Relax, Pet. I know darn well that every man loves to see his wife being fucked by other men, especially black men, and so we made arrangements to film your experience for Rick. At least that way you two won’t be completely separated this weekend, since he’ll have the chance to watch the video over and over.”

Pet had to admit, the whole concept was really making her lose control, especially after Patty pointed out some of the other merchandise. First, there was Pet, then she pointed to another housewife with long black hair and knockout figure. Great, but Pet’s slit really started flowing when she boasted of some really special items, like the 17 year old daughter of one club’s couple who was being initiated, and the mother and daughter combination that looked for all the world like sisters. Speaking of sisters, there was one brother and sister up for bid, and another brother and two sister team going for their first time. Not to be outdone, one club offered a mother / son pair, but oddly enough, none of the clubs came up with father daughter combo. Patty explained that it was still a little early for the daughter someone had in mind, but maybe by this time next year, who knows. The last item was a five black stud team from a predominantly black swing club somewhere in the southeast part of the country.

“OK, but what does the video company have to offer?”

“They’re the odd man out. They were mentioned to me by one of the club’s elite groups as having a special interest in filming something unusual. One of the company’s owners is a club member of sorts with some group out of the Virgin Islands area, and has some special orders for unusual material which he shared with me. After hearing his ideas, I couldn’t resist, and thought it perfect for some lucky piece of merchandise. Besides, they bring a hefty sum of money to the table, and ... they are all black, my favourite flavour!” Patty’s fetish for interracial sex was what could best be described as uncontrollable. She enjoyed many ours being penetrated by black cock and being filled with black sperm. Patty had been turned into a veritable whirlpool of black semen during her submission game last fall.

Patty made the comment, “We’ve been exchanging notes for nine months, and you’re in for some very heavy fucking from these strangers once you get sold.”

The very thought of getting sold, and actually being a possession of someone for their exclusive slave use made Pet blush with excitement. The fact that she was in her most fertile period was having its effect as she drew her breadth in, rubbing the sides of her tits with her arms.

An announcer for the party stood on the dock area, and directed each of the groups to prepare their merchandise for display prior to the auction. Small crowds started forming on portions of the lawn to surround their representatives while they dressed for presentation. Glancing around, Pet noticed that there was more undressing than dressing, and the mini-events were done in the open for the enjoyment of the guests.

As part of the pre-auction activities, the organizers had arranged for the clubs to have some fun with their own merchandise. Jessica was escorted to one of two stations on the stage area, and watched as the mother and daughter team before her had their nipples pierced, and rings inserted. Her own nipples started to harden as she watched the process of connecting one ring from the mother with one ring from the daughter, using both right tits. She noticed that both had been shaven, and their pussies were glistening from dripping fluid.

A bit of finery was added to Pet’s jewelry, a gold chain that was attached to her clit ring, snaked under her crotch, and up her back to fasten to the “D” ring on her choker collar. The posture chain was fitted tight, causing her to keep a perfectly straight back and to thrust her breast proudly on display. Any attempts to look down toward her bare fuck hole was met with a painful yank on the clit ring, so all she could do was dismount the stool and descend the stage to mingle nude with the finely dressed crowd.

Pet looked pretty damned fuckable at the moment, a veritable exhibition of femininity. Her pert blond bob- style hair was perfectly offset by her diamond choker and dangling earrings, and her posture was perfect, the heels emphasizing her straight finely shaped legs that terminated at a beautifully exposed bare baby hole, and breasts that jutted up and out, bouncing and jiggling with her every move. Her tanned skin was moist with sweat as she was handed a glass of white wine, and was escorted throughout the crowd for people’s viewing pleasure. Men and women alike made no efforts to hide their interest in her nude body, and a few openly stroked her opened pussy to feel the moisture being produced by her exposure. Pet dared not flinch when a finger was casually inserted in her pussy to test its depth and grip. She would stand dutifully still, sipping her white wine while allowing the probing action to take place as other’s watched.

The pre-game show wasn’t over, so Pet and Patty stood and watched as the other merchandise was being prepared for sale. The brother and sisters team had their genitals connected by connecting a chain from the right pussy lip of one sister, through a scrotum ring on her brother, and on to the left pussy ring of her other sister. The other brother/sister team was hooked similarly, and the five black man team was not pierced, but all were completely shaved and oiled. All the individuals to be auctioned mingled among the crowd nude, being teased and taunted, having their pussies probed or their cocks and balls squeezed in full inspection of the merchandise. The sexual tension was high, and all in attendance were formulating their plans for bidding.

Finally time had come to start the auction, and the announcer gathered people’s attention to the dock area. He made the usual introductions, then invited Darden on stage to outline the program. He was enthusiastic in addressing the member clubs, and explained that the auction was to provide new blood to the submission games of each club. He explained that the owner of the submitting slave had the right to demand any act, create any situation, and to use their slaves in any way they saw fit for their pleasure. The only rules were no broken bones, permanent cuts or bruises, and she continued, “however, that doesn’t rule out public exposure, humiliation, extreme sex with any object or animal, or forced impregnation. Oh, yes, and temporary bruising from insertion of large objects or sexual activity of any kind doesn’t count.” The mere mention of these acts caused a stir from both the slave offerings and the crowd in general, and when asked for a final commitment of all involved, there was unanimous consent.

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