Pet Project - Cover

Pet Project

Copyright© 2024 by Coyote

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Pet begins writing racy short stories for a woman's magazine, when she admits to her husband that interracial sex would turn her on. What happens next involves her best friends and her hubby.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Cuckold   Sharing   Wife Watching   Gang Bang   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Size  

“You’re not who I expected,” said John upon opening his eyes to see Pet staring at the ceiling. “But, I have no complaints. Ahhhh...” he moaned while trying to turn over. Then, assuring Pet that he was just stiff, he added, “How did you end up here?”

Surprised, Pet asked, “You don’t remember?”

“The last thing I remember is being at your house after one hot story, then passing out after you took me home. I had some nice dreams, one of you and me sixty-nining, but that’s where it ended. No details to remember.”

Pet counted her blessings again, and wrote off John’s clear response to momentary coincidence. She explained that Kat and Rick had spent the night together, so she decided not to disturb them by coming back to spend the night here. After the short exchange, Pet got up and helped John with his clothes. Time to visit the old homestead, and see what damage had been done. It was still fairly early when they hobbled down the street and entered Pet’s house. Rick was showering while Kat was busy making coffee. She was humming a tune, obviously pleased with her night’s performance. The three settled on the patio and shook off the effects of sleep with that first jolt of caffeine before Rick joined them.

“Good morning sleepy head,” said Pet.

“Oh, I wouldn’t exactly call it sleepy,” Kat jumped in before Rick could respond.

“Okay, okay. I can see where this is going. Let me ask, whose plan was this anyway? Not that I’m complaining, mind you, I’m just mildly curious. I figure it must be a plan, since I have a strange lack of guilt,” Rick said.

Maybe Rick wasn’t feeling guilty, but Pet was feeling very little relief, and was still tensed up from the twisted scheme she managed to get involved in. “Well, actually there was this side bet that led to something that we figured was going to eventually happen anyway, and we were fooling around at the time, when it seemed to fit the stories that were progressing quite well, and, well, Kat, wouldn’t you say that was about it?” Pet burst in one confusing statement.

“Yeah, that about wraps it up. More coffee anyone?” chimed Kat.

“Now wait a minute,” John piped. “Just to set the record straight, would I be too presumptuous in saying that my wife just spent the night screwing my friend, Rick? Or should I try more explicit terms?”

The three others looked at each other, then at John, all with very innocent faces when Pet responded, “Anyone for cinnamon roles?” and she jumped up heading for the kitchen. As she passed John, she patted him on the head and whispered, “I wasn’t the one with the back problem.” Secretly, Pet was pleased that she had a night for her pussy to recover, and now she was ready to put her plan in motion.

Of course, nothing so significant as having your spouse fuck your best friend could be passed off lightly, so the conversation continued all morning with every one teasing and talking about what would happen next. One thing was for sure, John wanted to catch up with Kat and Rick, and no one objected, including Pet. She put on a good show talking about her excitement of getting John in bed when his back healed, but her mind was really on two black men who were building up for her return on Tuesday. It seemed funny how easy going they all were about what had just happened, but, then again, they weren’t exactly virgins with each other, having done plenty of oral sex up to this point. However, actual intercourse was another thing, and the fascination of stepping over the proverbial line kept the tongues wagging until early afternoon.

Pet could see the conversation waning, and she knew that her plan included bigger things. Perhaps the best time to force the issue was among friends, so she popped the question about the new boat. Rick was stunned at the proposal, and simply refused at first, but the prodding of his guest advised him to strike while the iron was hot. Grinning in triumph, Rick agreed to start serious shopping the following week, but was inspired when Pet suggested he start immediately. She said that she had a story to complete for her publisher who was expecting a document on Tuesday, and that she really needed the time to develop the text. Everyone joked that she ought to write down the story she verbalized the night before, and, to their amazement, she informed them that’s exactly what Trisha was looking for. Actually, Trisha had said that it was sort of an experiment to “test the waters” on some willing critics. Kat said that it sounded like fun and offered to help, while Rick and John made plans to spend the afternoon cruising for cruisers.

After cleaning up, Kat followed Pet to the patio where they collaborated on the story Pet was to provide. Pet explained that Trisha and Sandy had wanted the story to launch a sister publication aimed at the triple X market instead of the R rated material found in the grocery store. She made up the story that the demand was actually higher than anyone thought, and the time for market entry was prime, only they were lacking material. Pet said she was pleased to be asked for the new style, since she was unanimously selected by the company as the writer with the most potential for producing this type of material.

“Well, sounds like you’re well on your way to a wild story,” said Kat. “By the way, where DID you come up with that story line?”

Pet flushed, but kept it together saying, “Sandy ... it was actually Sandy who suggested the outline, then we all talked a little more about it. I actually fleshed out most of it in my mind while driving back yesterday.”

Kat told her friend to keep those thoughts, and they set off to writing a jewel of a tale. The women were getting off on describing minute details of sexual intercourse from quite a different point of view. Gone were the references to romance, and in their place were in your face descriptions of hard fucking and sucking. Every fantasy that Pet and Kat could imagine was put on paper, only guided by Pet’s actual experiences. Pet said that she wanted to stay close to her original script, and anything that was extra would be saved for future stories. That seemed to placate Kat, who worked side by side with her friend to prompt her for more and more details of the story.

Pet and Kat worked on the story for two days, feeling that they had an excellent product for the publisher. On Monday afternoon, Pet surprised Kat by telling her that she was going to meet Trisha and Sandy at the beach house the next day to go over the material. She was fearful that Kat would be slighted if she wasn’t invited along, but made the excuse that she really wanted to see Trisha’s reaction alone, and, if it was good, then she would invite her the next time around. Kat helped the situation by making the excuse that she had extra duty at the prison anyway, and that she would just wait for the results.

It was amazing that the story actually got written, since Rick was constantly badgering her with boat brochures and wanting her to come with him to pass judgement. Much to his surprise, she said that she was on a deadline, and that she would go along with anything he wanted, which turned out to be a fatal mistake. On Monday evening, Rick announced that he found the boat of his dreams, something that would not only be perfect for fishing, but Pet would also live in the lap of luxury sunbathing on the deck of the cabin cruiser. Fully equipped with auxiliary sail, a smooth internal diesel was capable of pushing the massive unit in anything from a light breeze to a chasing hurricane. Barely two years old, it sported a coverable rear deck, galley and fairly spacious sleeping quarters that would accommodate up to eight people.

“Rick!” Pet came unglued, “that’s about twenty grand more than we budgeted! It’s out of the question.”

“Now, now, honey, it may be a little more than expected, but it’s getting a complete reconditioning from a very reputable dealer, and I’m sure we can make up the difference in no time. Besides, I have a lead on something that will give us the extra in very short notice, and we only have to sacrifice a week’s worth of time.”

Pet responded very skeptically, “I don’t know ... what kind of lead?” “Oh, I can’t tell you until I have more details, but it’s a very lucrative deal that I’m sure you’ll get as much fun out of it as I will. Just trust me on this one. Okay?” Rick insisted.

Pet agreed, but was almost frantic at the turn of events in her life. Not only were they suddenly in deep debt, but she was inextricably involved in harbouring criminals who were using her as a personal sex slave. A personal white housewife sex slave to two black masters bent on ownership of her devotion to their sexing sessions. Sad part about it was that Pet was becoming addicted to the thought and couldn’t keep her mind off of the possibilities. Thinking of possibilities, Pet took the opportunity to inform Rick that she had to meet her publisher at the beach house to go over new material, and that she would return the next day. Rick was oblivious to her short trip, and went back to burying himself in details of the boat purchase.

Tuesday morning welcomed a bright eyed and bushy-tailed Pet. She could hardly sleep the night before, thinking of her next session with Carl and Josh. Dressed only in shorts, sandals and a tank top, she flew down the highway to make sure she was punctual. As luck would have it, the roads were clear, and she made the trip in record time, arriving about twenty minutes early. When she drove up, she noticed two strange cars in the drive, but no unusual activity.

With a small duffle, brief case and laptop in arm, she walked up to the front door and politely knocked, not wanting to upset the men with a surprise entry. The door flung open, and she was greeted by a rather large black man who introduced himself as Darden. She recognized the name from Josh’s reference to their previous business partner. Darden was a polite, but firm man who had a similar dark skin colour to his friends. He greeted Pet with a broad smile and friendly tone as he stepped onto the front deck. He informed her that he was pleased with the group’s new location, and that they had invited several new clients to join them.

“What kind of clients?” asked Pet who was noticeably nervous. “I thought this was only between Carl, Josh and I.”

“After they called, we talked it over and decided that the time was right to go back into business. Of course, we have to rebuild our clientele, and the best way of doing that is to offer references ... like you.” He took the items she was carrying, then dropped a bombshell. “As a matter of fact, they’re in there right now watching your video. By the way, you really look good on film, but I can’t wait to get a piece of you myself.”

Pet went white thinking that someone was actually watching her film of wild sucking and fucking the two black men inside. She was reminded in an instant that she was not the one in control over this situation, but was their plaything who was willingly lured into a web of secrecy.

“Now, while my friends watch part of this film, there’s one thing we want you to do before coming in. It’s not polite for a blonde housewife slut to wear clothes in the presence of her black masters, so please leave your clothes in the car. Then you may enter.” Darden had to remind Pet of the many other tapes and material that was ready to be mailed before she got the message and obediently began to strip. The road was relatively quiet, and the house was partially shielded from sight. Pet stripped quickly, gathered her clothes, and made a rapid trip to and from her car. It was shaping up to be a hot humid day, and by she completed her nude dash, her skin was shining from a thin veil of sweat. Darden made her stand on the deck for what seemed like generations, but, in fact, was only about thirty seconds. Her overall tan and neatly shaved pussy were accentuated by the naturally space between her legs. Blonde as a bombshell, bare as a baby, and totally naked for her entrance, she was finally allowed inside.

Pet could hear the video playing in the family room with sounds of moaning, groaning and climaxing replaying the moments of her black sexing. Immediately, Carl turned the corner and greeted her, asking for the manuscript. She had almost forgotten, but dug into her case to extract the finished document. Darden took the story into the other room as Carl explained.

“After we told our clients of your literary skills, and that you were writing a story of our time together, they insisted on reading the material as soon as it was available. Of course, they didn’t believe that it was all true, and they said they required proof. Well, what better proof but your marvellous video.”

Pet was standing the foyer naked, straining to hear voices, but all she could make out was that they were female. “You brought women here, to my house, and are showing them film of me and you?”

“What do you expect? We don’t fuck men, and we’re open to women of all walks of life who might enjoy our services. We informed them that you were one of our best clients, and that you liked to live out everything before putting it on paper. We’ll introduce you later, after they’ve had a chance to review your story. But for now, you’re needed in the bedroom. Josh and I have some balls that need draining.” His voice was commanding, and melted any resistance Pet may have had. She was incredibly turned on by her situation and padded down the short hall to the bedroom where she saw the king size bed stripped and ready for action. Moments later, the two were joined by Josh as the two black men started stripping. Pet watched as the black skin was uncovered, and combined with the sounds of her consensual rape from the video, her pussy was overflowing with juice in anticipation of being stuffed with black meat.

She was flung onto the bed, and, as Josh went down on her smooth cunt, Carl straddled her head, dangling his large ball sack over her lips, and commanding her to make him hard. It wasn’t but a few moments before Carl was rock hard, and slapping his black bat at Pet’s face. The men flipped her over onto her hands and knees, and, as Pet bent over to take his massive prick to her mouth, Carl leaned back. With two small white hands, she raised the jet-black snake to her pink lips. It only took the touch of her hand to keep him rock hard, and, with one hand she held the steely black rod to her face and kissed the bulbous head, flicking her tongue into his pee slit. Her other hand took hold of his massive black ball sack, and lovingly massaged the two peach sized globes. As she coaxed the warm cum filled balls, she continued to insert her small wet tongue into his slit, tasting the pre cum that flowed from the end. The man’s frenzy was taken a step further when she allowed her pink lips to encircle the head, sucking him inside her mouth. She knew how she would be running her tongue under his shaft, across the sensitive gland that would cause him to cum. Pet also knew that she would welcome him deep into her throat, holding off on breathing as he penetrated down her esophagus. Although Pet was oblivious, several sets of eyes watched in amazement as she plunged his massive cock full length into her throat, and held her chin against his balls. The small blonde head of this housewife being stuffed by the black meat of a large man was an incredible sight. Her white skinned body, glistening with sweat sat before the dark statue nude and impaled as she was force-fed the man’s pee stick.

Pet finally broke her suction grip, and fell back onto the cushions, satisfied that Carl was ready to fuck her. Spreading wide for the insertion, she lifted her legs providing a good clear and hairless target for the donkey size dick. Carl needed no invitation; in fact, nothing could keep him from driving full length into Pet’s white cunt, spreading her pussy lips with his dark member. She was so wet that it only took two or three strokes for him to bottom out. As she looked up with her green eyes, she knew that he was in for a surprise, since he had only buried nine inches into her. As he pushed, she could feel the huge smooth prick head against her cervical opening, and prepared to be fully invaded. Carl showed disappointment at bottoming out with three inches left to go, but was astounded when she kept thrusting. Pet locked her legs over the powerful black ass muscles and kept pulling on his ass cheeks with both hands. Unbelieving, Carl kept thrusting his huge bat into her tiny slit at her insistence. Then, without warning, she closed her eyes, threw back her blonde head and yelled, “fuck me, fuck me, fuck me you black bastard!” At the same time, she thrust up hard with her pelvis, pulled back with both hands, and forced his massive black tool through her cervix and into her uterus. Carl grunted with true animal instinct, reacting to a feeling of incredible tightness surrounding his baby maker. He was now inside, buried to the hilt, black balls resting against her asshole, and making short rapid thrusts as his entire twelve inches stretched her baby cavity.

“Pump me ... pump me with seed. Fuck my white pussy ... empty your balls over my eggs. C’mon, fill me with cream and make me pregnant, you son-of-a-bitch!” Pet was screaming uncontrollably as she was being fucked unmercifully by this black man. Her small white housewife body that had mothered two children was being ravaged by a stranger, intent on impregnating her. Her white breasts were heaving with stiff nipples under the shadow of her dark skinned stud, platinum blonde locks and creamy white skin straining to be the picture of indecency and sloppy whorish lust. Pet kept bucking against the black invader until he stiffened, and those watching could see his big balls swell to stretch the skin of his ball sack. One final plunge and the balls began pumping their precious potent seed into her, flooding her with life giving baby seed, black baby seed not meant for this small white body. Pulse after pulse of hot cream flowed into her uterus, filling it with fresh semen. She could feel the heat of the fluid as it hit against the walls of her inner chamber, covering her eggs. Pet moaned with the realization that there wasn’t a chance in hell that she wasn’t once again pregnant. Only this time it was with a strange black baby, small and just forming as it was. This made her wild with lust, wild with animalistic passion, and wild to be seen as the slut she was. Carl collapsed on her small figure, keeping himself buried deep within her slit as they both came crashing back to earth.

After waiting about 30 seconds, Darden started a slow singular applause, startling the pair who awoke from their revere, and looked up, still in position on the big mattress. Pet’s half-open eyes grew wide and froze as the other observers joined in the applause. The clapping rang in her ears and her heart was stunned motionless as she locked eyes with Trisha and Sandy who were standing not six feet away, and beginning to join in the applause. It was difficult for anyone to say who was the most surprised, but as Pet lay there with legs spread and a hot cunt full of black cream stemmed by a black cock, she saw the smile flow over Trisha’s face who was the first to speak as she continued her clapping.

“Wow, girl! If I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I never would have believed it! Now I know where you get your material.”

“Trish, I ... I ... I can explain,” said Pet panicking.

“Now, now, you just lie there and calm down. Darden explained everything to us when he called, but we didn’t believe him. That’s when he invited us to see for ourselves. You were great, kid.”

Darden piped in, “That’s right, Pet, since we’re partners, the best part of advertising is personal experience. Trisha and Sandy, here, were thrilled ... shocked, but thrilled that you were taking the new stories so seriously. When I took the liberty of phoning them, they jumped at the chance to get your new material, and really couldn’t wait to see the real you. I think they’re genuinely pleased. Am I right, ladies?”

Sandy was sweating with excitement as she said, “Pleased? Ecstatic would be more like it! Pet you are phenomenal. And your video ... Have we been keeping secrets or what? And your new business ... we can’t wait to hear more about the details. Trisha and I have been commenting on how this could be the best thing to hit Florida since the fountain of youth. And we definitely want more details on the insemination service you plan to offer.”

“Really,” chimed Trisha who was now sitting on the bed next to Pet. “I still can’t believe that our racy little housewife author actually arranges for other housewives to get their taste of black sexing ... even impregnation services.”

Darden spoke, “Yep, Pet’s our regular little poster child. But, like I said before, she insists on actually doing everything she writes about. She says that puts more fire into the story. Isn’t that right, my little slut? She loves being called slut, it turns her on.”

Pet’s confidence came as a surprise to her as she heard herself say, “I guess he’s said it all, being the managing partner and all.” Darden smiled at hearing her. “So what about the story? First, is it going to work, and, if it does, we have to restructure my contract. These are going to be a bit pricier than the others as you can imagine.” She again surprised herself by bartering for a higher fee while lying on her back with a black dick in her pussy.

“Listen, if the product is as good as this first one, we’re going to have a long steady and fruitful relationship. Name your terms, and we’ll talk. Besides, I can’t wait to see it complete with the picture set.”

“Picture set?”

“Of course, that’s another reason why we invited Trisha and Sandy here ... to watch while we create some photo sets to go along with the stories,” Darden explained. “I took the liberty of telling them that you wanted pictures to insert into the story text to entice the reader’s mind with some eye candy. Today and tomorrow we plan on shooting some fine footage that’s going to knock the socks off of some very excited women. And their husbands. Besides, the business needs material if our ad campaign is going to draw as we expect. You ready to get started?” Pet nodded and Carl drew his member from her cunt. A popping sound followed by a stream of white cum made Trisha and Sandy draw in their breadth as they stared at the interracial coupling.

Josh spoke casually, “Ladies, you expressed some interest in participating, or at least trying our services. We did say we were discreet, so now’s your opportunity of a lifetime. What do you say?”

“Well ... I don’t know if...”

Pet surprised herself for the third time in five minutes by saying, “Oh, come on, girls. I’m sure that today will change your lives forever, and besides, you don’t want me to be the only one with a full pussy. Actually, I can use this in some stories, and, since our secret’s out, I kind of fantasize about seeing you two stretched with a nice thick black dick.” Her words seemed to come from someone else, as she sprang out of bed and led the way into the main room.

The men had already set up the lights and camera equipment that Darden had brought. Pet instructed the other women to get comfortable by stripping while she fixed drinks for everyone. She was parched, and the drinks would serve two purposes, one, to slack her thirst, and, two, to calm her nerves as she embarked on a new photo session of interracial intercourse with her friends. Trisha and Sandy removed their clothes and, standing naked, were immediately approached by the three black men who lovingly ran their massive hands over their white skin. The men knew what to expect, but the women were shocked at how easy it was to melt under the touch of the forbidden act. Their taboo was being broken, and their own secrets were about to begin.

The source of this story is HotSexStories

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