Kristen the Cruiser - Cover

Kristen the Cruiser


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Kristen is a stuck-up but beautiful teenager who catches the eye of a neighbour man who decides to teach her a lesson in humility while at the same time taking his pleasure in her nubile young body.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Fiction   MaleDom   Rough   Anal Sex   Oral Sex  

She showed up at my door on Friday at 4:15. “Hi,” I said as I held the door open for the beautiful young girl.

“Hello,” she replied demurely as she moved past me her sweet perfume filling the air.

“Go ahead on into the living room,” I told her. “I’ll join you shortly.”

She didn’t answer as she walked away down the hall. As she disappeared around the corner, I unlocked the door to my secret room and let myself in. I looked through the big one way glass on one wall to see the young teen looking around my living area nervously.

Quickly I checked the cameras and recorders. I also set the hidden remote camera in the bathroom to activate upon sensing motion and left the room, locking the door behind me. I entered the living room and walked over to Kristen who was standing with her arms tightly wrapped around herself gazing out of the window.

She must have been lost in thought, because she didn’t hear me walk up behind her. “I am very glad to see you this afternoon,” I said in a conversational tone as I placed one arm around her narrow shoulders. She shrugged out from under my arm and moved away from me and against the wall beside the window. I was not about to let her have her own way, so I stepped right up to her and said, “Kristen, I expect you to be nice!”

She muttered something unintelligible, her eyes downcast.

“I beg your pardon?” I said.

She looked up at me and said in a mean voice, “How can you expect me to be nice to you after what you did to me yesterday!”

“If you had acted more civilly to begin with, young lady, I wouldn’t have had to be so rough. Like I told you before I left yesterday; you be nice, and I’ll be nice. The choice is yours.” I placed both hands on the wall on either side of her head and leaned toward the young blonde. She quickly turned her head to the side as I tried to kiss her. “Kristen, look at me,” I commanded.

“Nooo,” she whined.

“I said look at me,” more menacingly this time. Slowly her head turned and her big blue eyes met mine. Again I leaned to her. She didn’t turn away this time but as my lips moved closer to her sweet mouth, she shut her eyes tightly. “Open your eyes,” I told her. They popped open.

As my lips met hers I gazed deep into her flashing blue eyes. I was quite turned on by the fear and humiliation I saw there. I continued to stare into her eyes as I slowly and gently kissed the frightened young teen. I noticed a tear begin to form at the corner of one eye. She was trembling slightly but otherwise held perfectly still. I could smell her sweet breath as I moved back from her mouth.

“Is my little ‘reminder’ still in place?” I asked.

Her face flushed bright red and a shocked look appeared in her eyes. “Uh ... huh,” she nodded in extreme embarrassment. She again averted her gaze.

“Look at me, Kristen,” I again told her.

She looked up once more.

“Can you feel it in your tight little ass when you move? Did it push up into you when you sat at your desk in school today?” I asked smiling at the distressed young girl.

“Uh ... huh,” she answered nodding again. I could see that “inward look” in her eyes as she was feeling the hard rubber plug right now. “Good, that’s very good,” I said soothingly as I brought one hand to the trembling girl’s cheek and stroked it gently.

“Is all my cum still up inside your little tummy?” I asked staring at her intently.

Her eyes grew very wide as I’m sure she thought about all my “baby juice” flowing into her womb. “Did any leak out of that pretty pussy of yours?” I asked.

She didn’t answer; just stared at me in shock.

“Well?” I prompted.

“A little,” she answered meekly, again looking down. I let her this time.

“Then you haven’t taken a bath yet since I fucked you?”

She shook her pretty head. “That’s a very good girl. Well, I’ll just bet that your sweet pussy is pretty sticky and smelly just now so why don’t you use my shower and get yourself cleaned up.”

I knew my direct and slightly filthy language was having the desired effect upon my young captive as she again got a shocked look on her face. “You will find everything you need in there.” I pointed to the door to the bathroom. “There is even a big soft robe for you to change into when you are finished. You may leave the clothes you have worn on the rack in the bathroom. Leave ALL of your clothes on the rack, Kristen!”

I moved away from the wall and let her by. I smiled as I noticed that she was still walking a little bow legged. “Kristen,” I said as her hand touched the doorknob. She turned. “Leave ‘our reminder’ in!” Again she flushed red, then turned and entered the bathroom closing the door behind her.

When I heard the shower water start, I went to my little room and watched the young girl bathe herself. God she was lovely! I watched enthralled for several minutes as she scrubbed that tender little cunt of hers. I saw her probe herself with one finger trying no doubt to clean my cum from inside her.

As she bent down to wash her long legs, I could plainly see the wide flat flange of the butt plug I had placed in her yesterday afternoon. I saw her hand move to it and a slight grimace appear her sweet face. It must have poked her when she bent down. I beamed with delight. As she began to wash her long blonde hair, I checked the recorder, exited the sealed room and returned to the living room to wait.

A noticeable bulge rose in my sweatpants as the lovely young blonde stepped from the bathroom wearing the big dark blue terry cloth robe. She stood looking at me pensively in her bare feet. “Come over here, Kristen,” I said.

Head and eyes down, she crossed the room to me holding the robe tightly around her slim body. I stood up from the big modular couch as she approached. I gently took her by the shoulders and holding her at arms length, I said to her, “You are the prettiest girl I have ever known, Kristen.”

Her face flushed and I thought I saw just the tiniest hint of a smile. “Look up at me, Kristen. I always want you to look at me when I touch you.” She looked up still blushing hotly. “That’s nice, I love your pretty blue eyes.” I turned her around slowly.

She flinched slightly as I took her long hair in my hands. “Don’t worry,” I said. “I want your pretty hair flowing free today,” I said as I unfastened the big hair tie at the back of her head. As her sweet smelling hair fell free, I spread it out on the shoulders of the dark blue robe.

‘Jesus, she was absolutely perfect,’ I thought as I turned her back to face me. This time she looked me in the eye without prompting. I reached down to release the belt of her robe.

Her hands instinctively moved to stop me. I just stared into her eyes and said nothing. Her gaze averted momentarily as she released my wrists and her hands fell to her sides. I untied the knot at her slim waist then moved my hands up to the lapels of the big soft robe. Slowly I pulled the robe open. I did not look down but rather continued to watch Kristen’s eyes as I gently pushed the robe back over her smooth shoulders and let it drop down her arms to the floor.

Her face flushed ever so slightly and her eyes began to water as she shivered involuntarily. I stepped back one step and admired the naked young girl for just a minute. Then I peeled off my shirt and stepped back in front of her. She stiffened as I took her warm shoulders in my hands and pulled her tender young body against mine.

I drew in a deep breath of her clean young scent and heard her utter a tiny gasp as her firm little nipples touched the hair on my chest. I hugged her tightly to me for several minutes basking in the warm feel of her young supple body against mine and the wonderful aroma of her long blonde hair. I nuzzled her neck and up under her ear.

“Put your arms around me,” I breathed in her ear.

I felt her hands move around my waist. I held very still and just hugged her gently. I could feel her breathing speed up just a bit. I ran my hands down over her smooth muscular back and down onto her firm butt. She gasped as I gave her a little squeeze, but I immediately took my hands away and removed her hands from around my waist. Again I took her shoulders and held her at arms length.

“You’re doing much better today, Kristen. Do you understand that I want you to come here every afternoon after school?”

She nodded saying nothing.

“Good, and when you arrive, I want you to undress right away. You can take a shower if you wish, but remain naked afterward. I always want you naked when you’re here. Do you understand?”

“Yeah, but...” she replied timidly.

“But what, Kristen?”

“How long are you going to make me do these things?” she said in a pleading little voice.

“Until I am finished with you, Kristen, and that will probably be a good long time.”

She looked totally crushed.

“Don’t worry, I know you will begin to like the things I can show you, you’ll see. Now come over here and sit down. I have some questions to ask you.” The dejected young teen followed me to the couch. I smiled as I saw her wince when she sat. The plug no doubt pushing up into her tight rectum.

I sat next to the naked girl and smiled at her reassuringly. “How far have you and Rick gone, sex wise,” I asked her point blank. She blushed and squirmed a little trying to get comfortable on the device inside her. She stared hard at her knees and whispered almost inaudibly, “All we do is kiss.”

“What?” I said. “I can’t hear you. Look at me when you speak. How far?” I asked again.

“We’ve only kissed,” she said. “Rick and I don’t believe in sex before marriage,” she said holding her head up proudly and looking me in the eye. Some of the old haughty self-assuredness had returned.

“Well,” I said chuckling, “I guess you and I put an end to that little theory, didn’t we!”

She flushed and lowered her gaze.

“So you’ve never had a cock in your mouth then?” I asked.

“W--what,” she said staring at me wide eyed, “No I...” she began before I cut her off.

“Actually, Kristen, you have had a cock in your mouth before. My cock to be precise.”

“I don’t believe you. That’s just too gross,” she said.

“The very same night that you and Lauren spent the night, I not only ate your sweet young pussy, but after fucking Lauren, I pulled my throbbing cock out of her fat wet pussy and shoved it down your eager little throat.”

I watched as the colour drained from the young teen’s face.

“You actually sucked me dry in your sleep. You were such an eager little cock sucker as a child. A real natural! I filled that little tummy of yours full of my cum from the other end that night.”

“You are disgusting!” she cried as she got up from the couch.

“We’ll see about that,” I said as I too stood up. I took her by the shoulders and pushed her down as I said, “Kneel, Kristen!”

“No! No way,” she shouted angrily and began to struggle. I shook her hard to get her attention.

“I said kneel ... NOW!!!”

She looked at me with hate in her eyes but slowly she knelt down before me on the thick carpet. “Take my pants down.”

Tears began to form in her eyes as she reached up and grasped the waist band of my sweats. Slowly she pulled them down. As she did, my big cock jumped out almost hitting her in the face. As she brought my pants down to the floor, I stepped out of them letting her pull them over my feet. She sat back on her haunches and stared up at me pleadingly.

“Oh, please don’t make me do this, please. I think I will throw up.”

“Don’t you worry,” I assured her. “I know from past experience that you are very good at this. I might have to show you some of the finer points of cock sucking, but before you know it you will have earned your wings. Now, go ahead and put it in your mouth.” I jerked my muscles causing my nine inch member to jump up in front of the frightened girl.

“I just can’t...” she whined.

“Yes you can. Now come here.” I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her up toward my waiting cock.

“Owwwww,” she cried, “you’re hurting me.”

“Open your mouth and I’ll stop,” I told her.

Slowly her sweet mouth opened. Before she could change her mind, I grasped my shaft with the other hand and pushed the broad purple head in between her perfect white teeth and into her warm wet mouth.

“Gaaaawwwckkk,” she gagged around the head of my dick.

I kept a handful of her hair in case she decided to bite. “That’s right, baby, take it into your mouth,” I groaned with pleasure. I held still for a minute as I gazed down at my cock shaft protruding from the mouth of the sweet young girl. “You’re not going to bite me are you?” I asked her.

“Mmm ... mmmm,” she shook her head moving her warm mouth on me.

“Ok then, I’m going to let go of your hair.”

She was looking up at me, mild panic in her eyes. I let go of her hair and slid my hand down behind her head. “Open wider, I want you to swallow me. I want you to swallow my dick deep into your mouth and throat.”

“Mmmmmmppphh,” she puffed through her nose as I pushed another inch into her mouth.

“Just relax your muscles and take me in, baby. I know you know how.” I pushed harder feeling her head go back against my restraining hand. “That’s it, take it all in,” I groaned.

“Mmmmm ... mmmmooowww,” she moaned. Her body trembled as I felt the head of my cock touch the back of her throat. Good God this little girl had a great mouth. I saw panic rise in her eyes so I drew back slightly allowing her to get a breath.

“That’s the ticket, Kristen, breathe when I pull back and open real wide when I press in. Once we get a rhythm going you won’t have a problem. Are you OK?”

“Mm ... Mmmm ... Hmmm,” she reluctantly nodded her head.

“OK, I want you to just hold still for a few minutes and I am going to gently fuck your mouth.” Her eyes widened. “Here we go, baby. Breathe when I pull out and open when I push. Also if you want to make it nice for me, you might suck on me a little.”

Without further delay, I slowly pulled my cock shaft out to the tip and then pushed back into the sweet warm mouth that surrounded me. God she was wonderful feeling! I watched her as she gamely tried to follow my instructions. I kept my hand on the back of her head to guide her and pumped slowly and evenly so she could get my rhythm. To my great delight she even began to gently suck my shaft as it withdrew from her hot wet mouth.

After a few minutes, I pulled my cock out of her mouth. “That was very nice, Kristen, but I am getting tired of standing. Let me just sit down here and we’ll see what we can do,” I told her.

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