Kristen the Cruiser - Cover

Kristen the Cruiser


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Kristen is a stuck-up but beautiful teenager who catches the eye of a neighbour man who decides to teach her a lesson in humility while at the same time taking his pleasure in her nubile young body.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Fiction   MaleDom   Rough   Anal Sex   Oral Sex  

I waited, barely able to control my urges, for two days before I made my next move. I parked my truck in the trees behind Lyle and Kristen’s house, let myself in with my key and went upstairs to Kristen’s room to wait for the young girl to get home from school.

I knew from past visits that her mother, Lyle, didn’t get home until after 6:00. If she did get in early, I would simply say that I had come over to fix something for them. Kristen usually got home promptly at 3:30 to 3:45. At 3:35 I heard the downstairs door open and then slam.

My heart raced with anticipation as I heard light footsteps on the stairs. I was sitting on her bed facing the door as the young teen entered her bedroom. “What are YOU doing here,” she said as she dropped her books in shock.

“Oh, I just thought I’d pay you a little visit, to see if you needed me to “fix” anything,” I said smiling lewdly.

“You get out of here right now,” the haughty young blonde shouted! “I told you that I never wanted to see you again! And don’t try that old ‘I’m gonna tell your mom’ thing with me cause it won’t work this time! I want you out of here now or I’m going to call Mom and Rick,” she scolded.

“Ok, Ok,” I said. “Take it easy. I’ll leave, but before I go, I thought you might like to watch this little flick I picked up the other afternoon.”

“Hell, no, I won’t!!” she shouted. “Now GET OUT!”

“I think you’ll be very surprised to see what is on this tape,” I said, waving the cassette at her.

“What’s on it?” she said her curiosity getting the better of her finally.

“Oh just some stuff like this,” I said as I removed a small photo from my top shirt pocket and tossed it on the floor at her feet. It landed face down. Kristen bent down to pick it up. She looked at it as she was standing up.

Suddenly the colour drained from her pretty face and I thought she was going to faint dead away as she grabbed onto the open bedroom door for support. She was staring wide eyed in shock at a lovely picture of herself naked on my big couch with her legs spread wide and my girlfriend, Lynn’s tongue deep in her gaping young pussy.

“I have more,” I said as I got up and crossed the room to her. I handed her another shot of her own face buried in Lynn’s runny cunt. Even in the small picture one could plainly see the love juices running down her chin. Kristen looked from the two pictures in her trembling hands to me and then back to the pictures, all the while shaking her head in utter disbelief.

“Where ... when ... how??” she started to say.

“We took them the other afternoon when you dropped by my place. Don’t you remember?” I asked grinning widely at the shocked young girl.

“I remember you made me come over, but...”

“Kristen, Kristen, I am SO disappointed. You mean you don’t remember how much fun you and Lynnie had? She will be heart broken. Well, no matter, what’s say we watch my little production before your mother gets home.”

I took the shell-shocked young teen by the hand and led her out of her room and down to the living room. She allowed me to guide her to a big chair and sit her down. She was looking totally bewildered and still looked like she might pass out any moment. I walked over to the family VCR and popped in my tape. I picked up the remote, turned on the TV and hit PLAY.

Kristen watched in total silence. Only occasionally did she utter a little sob or a whimper as we watched our love scenes unfold before us in professional quality flawless colour with full stereo sound. Even a practiced eye would be hard pressed to pick out the sound dubs and track mixes. To your average viewer, it looked like my girlfriend, Lynn, and sweet young Kristen were engaged in a very consensual, very mutually pleasurable act of lovemaking.

I watched the horror grow in the young girl’s face as I stepped into the picture only to shove my massive rock hard cock into Lynn’s heaving pussy right above Kristen’s face. I thought she was going to throw up as the all seeing camera zoomed in on her little pink tongue licking my throbbing balls as I quick fucked my girlfriend into a wailing orgasm.

We both watched in silence as Kristen’s hips heaved up off the mattress and then bucked up and down as she achieved a massive climax of her own. The movie ended with me rubbing my softening cock on her pretty lips as she moved her head from side to side, “obviously” wanting my cum spread evenly over her little face.

The final scene faded to black with Lynn snoozing, on top of the inert body of young Kristen. Both women spent and happy. “So, whadaya think?” I asked the shocked girl in the chair next to me.

“How? Who? Oh God!” she said as she burst into tears. She sobbed for a minute and then looked up at me; the haughty anger right back in her voice. “So, now what,” she said snootily. “Are you going to show my mom?”

“Oh no, Kristen, I wouldn’t dream of doing that,” I said mockingly. “I thought perhaps some of your classmates or teachers would be much more interested. Hey, perhaps you could use some of this material as part of your campaign for class president.”

Again she paled. “You wouldn’t dare,” she demanded! But I detected just a hint of fear in her voice.

“Maybe Rick would like to see this. Lynn tells me you’re still a virgin so maybe this will give him something to jerk off to, whadaya think?” I said as I got up and snatched the tape from the VRC. I headed back up the stairs.

“Where do you think you’re going,” Kristen sneered as she followed me.

“Anywhere I please, my dear. Anywhere I please.”

I turned to face her for a minute as I let my last words sink in. I turned back and walked into her bedroom. I went right over and sat on her bed. She must have been thinking furiously on the stairs because several minutes passed before the young girl slowly walked in the door.

She really was beautiful. Especially with her face all flushed with anger and apprehension. It really served to set off her thick blonde hair. She was wearing a nice conservative outfit consisting of a flowered button down blouse and white pleated cotton skirt that hit her just above the knee. Her blue eyes flashed as she stared at me uncertainly.

Before she could speak, I looked at my watch and then looking her straight in the eye I said, “strip for me!”

“You’re kidding,” she said trying to act brave.

“Strip for me, Kristen,” I said again without raising my voice. I reached over and patted the video cassette on the bed beside me and smiled.

“No,” she said defiantly, “You can’t make me do that!”

“Now, Kristen,” I said as matter-of-factly as I could under the circumstances, “you know you have nowhere to go with this. I CAN make you, and I WILL make you, so you might just as well cooperate. I am going to count to three and you had better start unbuttoning that pretty little blouse of yours or I am going to get up off this bed and rip those clothes right off of you.”

Her look of defiance turned to one of fear as she began to plead, “Please don’t make me do this. I am sorry I’ve treated you badly. I promise I’ll be nicer in the future, really.”

“One...” I said.

“Oh, please she whined, please don’t!”


“PLEASE NOOOOOOO!!!!” she wailed pitifully as she burst into tears again.

“Three...” I counted as I started to get up from the bed.

“Wait ... OK ... OK,” she said breathlessly holding her hands up to me. “OK, just give me a second.” Her long blonde pony tail flicked around her shoulders as she quickly looked around the room, a cornered look on her lovely face. I stood still for a moment until slowly she faced me and brought her hands up to the top button of her blouse.

She hesitated staring at me with pleading eyes.

“Do it!” I commanded, not letting up on the pressure at this crucial point. Ever so slowly the scared young girl began to unbutton her pretty blouse. I sat back down on the bed and tried to keep my hands out of my crotch as I watched the spectacle before me breathlessly.

I gasped quietly as her lacy bra and then more and more tender white skin came into view. As she undid the bottom button, I said, “Go on, take it off!”

Tears jumped to the corners of her eyes and her face flushed brightly as the young girl removed her blouse and dropped it to the floor. ‘Step one complete,’ I thought to myself.

“Now the skirt,” I said not giving her a break. She didn’t hesitate quite as long this time. She was resigning herself to the inevitability of her situation, I hoped. She unzipped the side zipper and wiggled out of the white skirt. “I’ll take that,” I said.

She looked at me puzzled but stepped out of the skirt and tossed it to me on the bed. I caught it and brought it to my nose. I breathed in a long breath of her perfumed young scent.

“Mmmm, my dear, you do smell fresh!” Again her face flushed red and anger again flared in her sparkling blue eyes. God she looked great! The lump in her little lacy panties almost matched the lump in my jeans. She had such a nice full little pussy.

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