Kristen the Cruiser - Cover

Kristen the Cruiser


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Kristen is a stuck-up but beautiful teenager who catches the eye of a neighbour man who decides to teach her a lesson in humility while at the same time taking his pleasure in her nubile young body.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Fiction   MaleDom   Rough   Anal Sex   Oral Sex  

I lived in town at the time near the University. I had a nice apartment that I had made some additions to. The main addition was a secret room that shared a common wall with the main living area. The most prominent feature on this wall from the living room side was a large ornamental mirror with a big gold leaf frame.

Would it be too obvious to say that this mirror was actually a one-way glass? Well it was ... Really!

Anyway, behind the glass in the small room was some very sophisticated video and audio equipment including two cameras mounted on tripods. One with a wide-angle lens and one with a remote controlled zoom and pan mount. Both cameras and their accompanying hidden microphones were connected to a large console of professional audio/video editing and dubbing equipment. All camera and recording functions could be controlled from a tiny remote smaller than a TV/VRC remote.

I had designed it myself and had it fabricated by a good friend who is an E.E. It could easily be concealed in my pocket. The living room itself had soundproof walls, floor and ceiling. The windows were triple pain and also sound insulated. The furniture consisted primarily of one large modular couch arrangement that could be moved into any configuration one could ever want. All areas of the living room were “visible” to the mirror.

I invited Lynn over for the afternoon’s entertainment. I had known Lynn since she was eleven years old. My sister, Jenny originally introduced her to me and we had since become very close friends. Lynn was a beautiful young woman now at eighteen. She had long dark hair and incredible emerald eyes that shot green fire when she was aroused, which was often when we were together.

I explained my plans for young Kirsten and asked her if she would help me out.

“Sure,” she said. “Kinda reminds me of what you and your sweet sister did to me all those years ago,” she scolded playfully.

“Yeah, and look where it got you,” I said as I reached behind her firm butt and goosed her.

“Hey, settle down big boy,” she chided. “You’ll want to save some of that energy for our new little friend.”

“Not today,” I said. “I want you to have a turn with her first.”

Lynn smiled at me knowingly.

“Just follow my lead and once you get started with her, I’ll roll the tape.”

“Sounds great,” Lynn beamed!

At 3:55 I started to worry that maybe Kristen had backed out, but then suddenly there came a light knock on the front door. I remained on one end of the couch as Lynn got up and went out into the foyer to get the door.

“Hello,” I heard her say. “Come right in.”

I heard another voice mumble a reply but could not make it out. It was definitely female. My heart was pounding as Lynn walked into the room first. A big lump jumped to my throat as in walked little Kristen looking both radiant and proud.

“Hi,” I said as I tried not to jump to my feet.

“Hello,” she said icily. She was magnificent! Long, thick, blonde hair which today hung loose and shining around her shoulders. Her eyes flashed with both anger and apprehension. Her beautiful firm young body was boldly displayed in a tight little skirt that ended at mid-thigh. Her firm young breasts were poking out behind a nice flowered cotton pullover. She had just a hint of makeup on. Probably all that was allowed at school.

I could see why she had such power over the boys in her life. My cock was getting hard just looking at her. “I see you’ve met Lynn already,” I said trying to keep my voice under control. God, this little girl was magical!

“Yes we have met, you’re very pretty, Kristen,” Lynn said with a warm smile as she turned to the younger girl.

“Thanks,” was all the answer she got.

“Well,” I said, breaking the somewhat uncomfortable silence that developed, “you two chat while I go grab us a beer. You’ll join us, won’t you Kristen?” I said in a rhetorical tone.

“I dunno...” she replied.

I said, “You will join us, WON’T you Kristen?”

“Yeah, okay ... I guess,” came her meek response.

“Good, that’s much better. Just have a seat and relax. I’ll be right back.”

As the two girls sat, I went to the kitchen. I grabbed three buds from the fridge and opened them. Into Kristen’s I dumped a small amount of a special fast dissolving tasteless sedative. The same kind I’d used on her years before only this time I used just enough to make her really groggy for a long while before rendering her unconscious. Lynn had told me she wanted her to struggle a little. I sure liked the way Lynn thought. I had taught her well.

I walked back into the living room to find the two girls sitting in silence.

“Not too talkative today, Kristen?” I asked.

“Kristen is just getting started as a beer drinker,” I said as I handed Lynn her cold Budweiser. “Her mother doesn’t know yet. She also doesn’t know that Kristen uses marijuana.”

Kristen’s eyes burned into me. “You promised you wouldn’t tell,” she spat.

“Oh don’t worry about Lynn,” I said. “She won’t tell anyone, will you Lynn?” Lynn wants to be your friend. Here, drink up,” I said as I handed Kristen the spiked brew.

She took her first sip. We again sat in silence. “So Kris ... can I call you Kris?” Lynn asked.

“Okay,” the monosyllabic response. “So Kris, what grade are you in?”


“Wow,” I thought, “three whole syllables!”

“Are you doing well in school?” Lynn went on.

“I am an honour student,” Kristen replied, her nose in the air. She took a big swallow.

“Do you have a boy friend? Surely a pretty girl like you has at least one boy friend?”

“I am going steady with Rick Miller. He is a sophomore at UVa. We are planning to get married as soon as he graduates,” she said in a slightly more conversational tone.

As Kristen was took another big swallow of beer, Lynn asked, “Are you still a virgin, Kris?”

I thought both Kristen and I were going to choke. Lynn really knew how to point blank a person!

Once Kristen had regained her composure she sat there blushing hotly. She took yet another long pull on her beer, tipping the can back. It had to be pretty nearly finished.

“Well?” Lynn pressed.

“That’s none of your business, now is it,” she said sharply.

“Now don’t be rude, Kristen,” I said somewhat sternly.

“Well it isn’t any of her business, and it isn’t any of your business either,” she shouted. “I’m getting out of here and going home right now!”

As she got to her feet she wobbled momentarily and then fell over right in my lap. “Hi there,” I beamed down at the lovely young girl as I caught her in mid-fall and lowered her onto my lap. “You sure you won’t stay a while?” She struggled weakly and tried her best to get up but I easily held her.

“Let me go,” she whined and tried to hit me.

I held both her hands in one of mine and gently stroked her soft cheek. “Now be still little one,” I cooed. “Lynn and I are going to show you a good time aren’t we Lynn?”

“You bet,” Lynn replied as she scooted closer to the two of us.

“Stop!” Kristen whined feebly as Lynn began to run her hand up one of Kristen’s smooth warm thighs. Her struggling was definitely getting weaker all the minute. “No, ummm ... mmmph...” Kristen started to wail until I brought my mouth down over hers. Her body tensed as out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lynn’s expert hands move up under the young teen’s skirt.

“Mmmm ... mmmo ... uugh ... mmmo,” the young girl moaned into my hungry mouth. I kissed her hard as my tongue fought with her clenched lips to gain access to her sweet mouth. I saw Lynn reach further up under Kristen’s skirt and suddenly the teen’s eyes and mouth sprang open wide. I knew Lynn had made contact.

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