Kristen the Cruiser - Cover

Kristen the Cruiser


Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Kristen is a stuck-up but beautiful teenager who catches the eye of a neighbour man who decides to teach her a lesson in humility while at the same time taking his pleasure in her nubile young body.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Fiction   MaleDom   Rough   Anal Sex   Oral Sex  

By 6:00 PM Monday evening, Lynn and I were pretty sure that Kristen was not going to show. I telephoned her mother at 7:00. “Hi, Lyle, how are ya? —Oh just fine thanks. —Say is that sink I repaired still working OK? —Great, great. Listen, the reason I called is that Kristen didn’t show up for her tutoring session this afternoon and I was wondering if she’s OK? —Uh, huh, —Uh, huh, —I see ... Well, OK tell her that if she changes her mind, I’ll be available for her. --OK, Lyle. You too ... Thanks, Lyle, Bye, bye.”

“Shit,” I said as I hung up the phone.

“What?” asked Lynn from the couch.

“Kristen’s mother said that she was up in her room and didn’t want to talk to anyone. She also said that Kristen had mentioned yesterday afternoon that she didn’t think she was going to continue with her tutoring. She said she was doing better in English Lit., and thought she could handle the load now.”

“That’s too bad,” Lynn said sympathetically. “So what’re you going to do?” she asked.

“Damn,” I mumbled. “I don’t know. I suppose I could send copies of the first tape to her school and screw her over good, but, ‘A’, I really don’t want to have to do that, and ‘B’, that will most certainly mark the end of our ‘arrangement’ with her. Maybe I’ll just give her a few more days to worry and think about the consequences and see what happens.”

“That sounds good to me,” Lynn agreed.

Thursday afternoon rolled around without so much as a peep from Kristen. I was quite angry by then and had promised myself that I would deliver copies of the revealing video tape to Kristen’s school library first thing Friday morning. The phone rang.

“Hello,” I answered. —Oh, Hi, Lyle. —Yup, just fine. —How’s Kristen? I kinda miss having her around... <long pause> “Oh yeah, great, sure, Lyle, I’d be happy to ... Sure, Lyle, I’ll tell her. Thanks. See ya!”

“Yes!!!” I shouted out loud as I hung up the phone. Just then my friend, Lynn let herself in the front door. “Hey,” I said beaming her a big smile.

“Hi,” Lynn said. “My, my, but you do look happy. What’s up?”

“Kristen’s mother just called and invited you and me to a surprise party and dinner tomorrow evening to celebrate Kristen’s seventeenth birthday.”

“Hmmmm,” she mused, “That should be interesting. Who else is invited? Did she say?”

“Well, she mentioned Kristen’s boyfriend, Rick Miller, and a select few of her school friends. Listen, Lynn, you gotta help me with this.” The beginnings of a plan were forming in my mind.

“No problem,” Lynn replied. “Just let me know what you want me to do.”

I spent the rest of the evening getting things ready for the big party.

As Lynn and I drove up to Lyle and Kristen’s little house promptly at 7:00 PM, I noticed there were no cars at all in the drive. Lyle stuck her head out of the front door as we pulled up and yelled, “park around back in the trees.” I waved and Lynn got out and went in while I parked. I let myself in the kitchen door to find Lynn and Lyle chatting.

“I see you two have gotten acquainted. Hi, Lyle. Good to see you,” I said as I walked over and gave her a hug. “So, is anyone else here, and where’s the birthday girl? I have a present for her.” I held up the nicely wrapped little package.

“A couple of Kristen’s little friends are in the living room and Kristen is with Rick. He helped out by getting her out of the house for an hour or two so we could get ready. She should be home in about ten minutes,” she said looking at her watch. “Why don’t you two go in and say hello, while I finish in here.”

“Do you need any help?” Lynn politely asked.

“No thanks, dear. You go on in and enjoy yourselves.”

Lynn and I went into the living room and introduced ourselves to Patty and Erica, two of Kristen’s friends from her cheerleading squad. Both young ladies were lovely. We chatted for a minute when suddenly Lyle ran in and said, “Lights out and everybody hide. I see headlights coming down the road.”

We dimmed the lights in the living room and everyone hid behind the furniture. A few seconds later, the front door opened and in walked Kristen followed by a dark haired guy. Suddenly the lights came on and we all jumped up and hollered, “SURPRISE!!!”

Kristen’s hands went to her mouth. She was smiling brightly. She looked radiant! Then she saw Lynn and me standing in the corner partly behind a big over stuffed chair. She paled visibly, but managed to maintain her composure. She reached out and took her boy friend’s hand. Lyle was beaming from the hall door. Kristen saw her there, ran to her and hugged her.

“Oh, Mom, you know how much I hate surprise parties,” she said playfully.

“I know, dear, but Happy Birthday anyway,” she said smiling. “I couldn’t invite all of your friends, you’re so popular, but I did ask your closest friends, Patty and Erica and of course you know Lynn and our ‘handy man’,” she said smiling our way. Kristen turned back to the living room. “Hi, Erica ... Patty ... You guys,” she said still smiling. The two young cheerleaders beamed.

“Hello,” she said demurely as she turned to Lynn and me.

“Hello, Kristen, and Happy Seventeenth,” I said smiling as I crossed the room to her. Before she knew what was happening, I grabbed her and hugged her warmly. God, she still smelled great! Her supple young body tensed. I let her go and smiled at the young man beside her.

“This must be Rick,” I said sticking out my hand. “Rick, you’re a lucky man,” I said to the slightly dorky looking guy. ‘What in the hell does she see in him?’ I wondered.

“Hello,” Rick said pleasantly as he took my hand in a ‘dead fish’ grip. “Kristen mentioned that you were tutoring her in English after school and that was the reason I had seen so little of her lately. I was beginning to get jealous!” the young man said smiling.

‘If you only knew, Rick old buddy!’ I thought as I smiled back at him.

We all took a seat in the living room as Lyle offered everyone something to drink. We chatted for a minute and then I said, “Kristen, I have a present for you.” I handed her the wrapped box.

She took it from me nervously. She tried to smile for her friends as she slowly unwrapped it. It was a video cassette. She looked up at me with fear in her big blue eyes. “What’s this?” she asked in a little voice, her face somewhat pale. “Yeah, what is it?” her cute little friend Erica asked.

“Oh it’s just a little something I put together myself,” I said. “I’m an amateur videographer and like to dabble in all sorts of stuff.”

“Cool,” said Erica enthusiastically. “There’s a lot of new stuff on there that I thought you might like, Kristen,” I said to the now trembling teenager. She tried to smile. “Thh--thanks,” she said, “I’ll be sure to play it later.”

“No, let’s see it now,” Erica chimed in.

I gave Kristen a big knowing smile and said nothing. I wanted to let her dig her own way out of this. Just then, Lyle walked in with a try of drinks and said, “Dinner in fifteen minutes.”

I thought Kristen was going to faint from relief. Her Mom had unknowingly baled her out of a tight one! “Kristen immediately took advantage of the situation. “Well,” she said. “I guess the video will just have to wait.” I noticed her looking around for a safe place to put the “hot” tape. Rick had, in the mean time, excused himself and gone to the kitchen to help Lyle make last minute preparations and Lynn had engaged Patty and Erica in a conversation about school.

Kristen found her moment to exit and headed upstairs to stash her present. After a minute or two, I left on the pretence of checking on dinner and quickly slipped up the stairs to Kristen’s door. I walked in without knocking. Kristen turned from her dresser as she closed the top drawer. She saw me standing in the door and paled once more.

“What do you want?” she said, trying to appear brave and self-assured.

“You know what I want, Kristen,” I said as I closed the door.

She began to tremble visibly as I walked over to her. She jerked away from me as I tried to place a hand on her cheek. “Don’t touch me,” she said venomously!

“I’ve missed you Kristen,” I cooed. “Did you forget about our little agreement? If your mother hadn’t called yesterday afternoon to invite me to your birthday party, I was going to put ten copies of our original video of you and Lynn into the main checkout rack at your school’s library this very day.”

“I don’t care,” she said softly.

“Sure you care, Kristen. I know you do. I think you’re trying to see just how far you can push me aren’t you?”

She said nothing. “Well now you know how far. This is it, Kristen! That tape that you just stashed in your dresser drawer is even better than the first one. I know because I have been watching a copy of it for the past several days. I hadn’t realized just how good you look on film before. You really do have a lovely little body and you look so hot when you cum for me!”

She began to shake harder and her face flushed with anger. “So now what?!” she practically shouted at me.

“Keep it down, baby,” I said. “We wouldn’t want the others to hear. I want you back, Kristen. I want you back, naked at my house every day just like last week; starting tomorrow afternoon. I want you to tell Rick to take a hike!”

“What?!” she cried out.

“You heard me,” I said. “He doesn’t look like your type anyway. He’s too much of a dork to be with a hot little number like you, Kristen.”

“I can’t do that,” she whined. “Rick loves me,” she said.

“Do you love him?” I asked.

“I don’t know, I think I do,” looking her feet.

“That’s what I thought,” I replied smugly. “You need someone to light you up, young lady, and Rick just can’t seem to get the fire started. Not like I can, right?”

She flushed hotly. “So, no more games, you will be at my house tomorrow or else!”

She hung her head meekly.

“Good, now let’s get back down to your party.” She started to push past me when I said, “Oh, one more thing...”

“What?” she said turning. I could plainly see the fear and apprehension on her lovely face.

“Where’s my butt plug?” I asked. “I feel pretty certain that it is not still in place is it?”

She shook her head. “Where is it then?”

“I threw it away,” she admitted in a tiny frightened voice.

“Uh, huh,” I said. “Well,” I went on, “No big deal, I guess.”

She looked momentarily relieved. “You see, I’ve brought you a second birthday present that I wanted to give to you in private.” I smiled and she paled.

Out of my blazer pocket I took a Zip-Lock bag. In it was a small white plastic cylinder about 3/4 of an inch in diameter and 2-1/2 inches long. Both ends of the cylinder were rounded so that it looked like a large gel-cap. Kristen gazed at the device in horror.

Inside the small cylinder were several complex electronic components including as small transceiver, a tiny oscillator set to vibrate at about 20 Hz, a compact circuit board containing some pretty sophisticated miniature high power capacitors, a micro-processor controlled voltage regulator and a long life lithium power cell capable of powering the device for up to one year. All of the components were sealed in the small hard plastic container, which was completely impervious to damage from moisture, shock or magnetic fields. It was also designed to be “stealthy” as far as most security metal detectors were concerned.

The unit, designed to be inserted into the vagina, was capable of putting out low frequency vibrations for varying lengths of time depending on the setting input into the small remote transceiver disguised as a cellular phone that I had in my other pocket. It could also deliver mild pulsed electric shocks when a certain key was depressed. The two tiny transceivers, one in the remote and one in the device, were capable of “talking to one another” over a range of approximately 20 miles, the keying signals being piggy-backed sub-audibly onto a local ham radio club 440 MHZ repeater system.

The unit also had a “failsafe” feature that would activate an alarm in the remote should the device “find itself” removed from an environment with a temperature of approximately 98.5 degrees Fahrenheit for more than a couple of minutes after its initial activation.

I held the clear plastic bag up so the young girl could get a better look at it. “This is our new little “reminder”, Kristen,” I said to the frightened teenager. “We won’t be needing the butt plug anymore although I do expect you to replace it. Now, Kristen, I want you to turn around, put your hands on your dresser and spread those lovely legs. You know the drill. Then I am going to place our ‘reminder’ deep into your sweet pussy where I expect it to remain until I remove it. Do I make myself clear?”

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