Karin and Me - Cover

Karin and Me

Copyright© 2024 by John D. Rodburn

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Karin is his niece, he takes her in when her parents die and makes a life with her

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   Incest   Uncle   Niece   Pregnancy  

I offered Mrs. English a seat in one of the chairs on the front porch. She was exhausted from the short walk to the porch, and climbing the steps, so was glad to sit. She opened a folder that she carried.

“Ok. Let me see here,” she said. “His name is Thomas, and he’s fifteen. As I said before, we haven’t figured it all out, as far as your relationship with him, but we do know there is one. It would seem as if there are very few limbs on your family tree.” She sort of giggled at that. “You were also named in his parent’s will as someone that he should go to in an emergency.” She handed me a few of the papers.

“Those are their names. The second page is an excerpt from their will. Do you know them?”

“I think I remember my mother ... Yes. I don’t know the whole connection either, but I heard Mother talk about them a few times. Come to think of it, she always said that they were a little strange because of their nudity. I don’t remember her saying it negatively, though.”

“Do you think your mother wanted to live that way too?” She hesitated. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything like that.”

“No. That’s fine. Actually, I think she did.”

“Well, let’s talk about our currant concern.”

We talked on for what seemed to be about an hour. I was more worried about Karin and the girls than I was about talking to her. She finally told me it was time to meet Tom. She asked me to go to the car and get him. He was naked when I opened the door, but I talked him into putting his pants on.

“I’ll make a deal with you, Tom,” I said so she couldn’t hear me. “You put your pants on now, and when she’s gone, you can do whatever you want to do.”


“Actually, I want her to leave as much as you do. I hate wearing clothes too. Just go along with anything I say in front of her. We’ll talk later.”

He got a big grin on his face, then got his pants on in record time. We went onto the porch and sat down. Mrs. English stayed for another hour or so, then had me sign a mountain of papers. Tom and I stood on the porch, watching as she went out the gait.

“We have a few rules around here,” I said. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see his head spin toward me.

“You’re not going to let me take my pants off?”

“I didn’t say that. I just said that WE have some rules. Let’s take a walk”

“By we, you mean there are others here?”

“My family.”

“Where are they?”

“Up at the barn. Let’s go call them.”

“Why are they up there?”

“You’ll see.”

The house originally had a front porch that wrapped around on one side. During the remodel, we wrapped it all the way around the house. We walked around to the back door, and to an old ship’s bell that hangs there. I grabbed the rope and rang it about five times.

“What was that for?” Tom asked.

“I just told them that the coast is clear. They’ll be here in a few minutes. In the mean time, let’s get comfortable, shall we?”

“You want me to be naked when I meet your family?”

“It just so happens that we are nudists too. They will be naked when they get here, so you may as well drop them.”

We both dropped our pants and I pulled my shirt off, then we sat. A few minutes later, Karin and the girls showed up. Tom acted as if he had to cover himself in front of the girls. I saw why too.

“That is rule number one. You are not allowed to wear anything on this property. Actually, the girls are the only exception to that, for obvious reasons. The number two rule ... which will be dealt with more harshly ... is the word no. No means exactly that. No.”

“That will be difficult, but I can do that,” he said.

“Ok. Introductions. This is my wife, Karin. The taller one over there is Tammy. The shy one here is Becky. This is Tom, my new son.”

“Wait. Karin. Isn’t that the name of your niece?”

“Niece, wife. Same thing.”

“And these two are your daughters?”

“Give the guy the door prize. This kid is smart. I knew I liked him.” We all laughed. “Ok. We heard Mrs. English’s side of the story. Let’s hear yours.”

“I guess there isn’t much to tell. It turns out that the swapping club they belonged to got a little out of hand. I didn’t know they had gotten into bondage. It just got a little too rough that night. The one ass hole killed my mother. Dad started to call the police and someone hit him over the head. That killed him. They found them both in a field three days later. They used the GPS in our car to find out where they had been.”

“You’re not into that, are you?” Becky asked him.

“I don’t even have a girlfriend. My parents never did that around me. I had to wait to hear about their club when we went to court. They never even slapped each other on the ass around me.”

“We can fix that,” Tammy said. “Be expecting a sore ass from now on.”

“You can slap mine whenever you want to,” Becky added. “If you don’t, I might think there’s something wrong with me.” We all laughed again. “In fact.” She stood up and backed up to him. “You can start now.” Tom looked at me and I nodded. He just barely touched her. “I know you can do better than that.” He did. Almost as soon as he withdrew his hand, we could see the red mark he left. We all laughed as she rubbed her ass, then sat down almost at his feet. “Not quite that hard.”

“I guess things are going to be a lot different for you now,” Karin told him. “You will most definitely be seeing sex going on around here.”

“Daddy and I just became lovers,” Tammy said. “He popped my cherry just before you got here.”

Tom looked at her, then at me. His mouth hung open.

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