Kim - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by The Story Teller

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - His girlfriend has two sisters. Kim the younger one seems to put a spell on him. He just can't help himself around her

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Cheating   First  

The end of the day finally came and we decided to leave the beach. We packed everything up, and headed for home. Kathy wanted to drive so I sat in the passenger seat in the front. Patty and Kim climbed in the rear seat, Patty sitting behind me and Kim sitting behind Kathy. As we drove to the girls’ house to drop off Patty, I would periodically look into the rear view mirror to catch a glimpse of Kim. Each time I did, she would be looking at me with a smile. I could feel my cock getting stiff again. We had all been in the sun all day but I couldn’t tell if I was hot because of that or because of sweet Kim.

When we got to their house, Patty jumped out grabbing her beach bag, shut the rear door, then leaned in my window a little to thank Kathy and me for a good time. As she did, the front of her blouse fell away from her body. I could see down the top of her blouse. She must have removed her suit top at the beach while I was packing the car because both of her breasts were staring me right in the face. They were incredible! They were so firm and her skin looked so soft. I could see the complete nipple of her right breast. God how I wanted to just reach a few inches to fondle it with my hand and caress it with my mouth and tongue. She looked fantastic!

My cock was pounding. I had to keep myself turned and my legs crossed to try and hide it. As she started to pull away from the window, she leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek then smiled and said “thanks.” I almost lost it. I wanted to reach over and pull her inside and make love to that young woman right then and there!

When she turned to walk toward the house, I was staring at the most beautiful legs and ass I had ever seen. They were so perfect. She was a knockout! God I wanted her!

We got to our apartment and unpacked the car. The three of us were hot and sweaty. I started the grill while the girls did the unpacking. By the time we ate and cleaned up it was about 6:30 in the evening. I decided to jump in the shower before them figuring if I didn’t, it could be hours by the time they finished using the bathroom.

When I came out of the shower, I was too sunburned and hot to get dressed so I threw on a pair of thin nylon jogging shorts, grabbed a cold soda, turned the TV on, then plopped my ass down on the couch to relax.

I could overhear Kathy and Kim in the bedroom whispering about something but I didn’t really pay any attention to what they were saying. Kathy took a quick shower then put a nightgown on and went into the kitchen to do something while Kim took a shower. I went in the kitchen to talk to Kathy about plans we had made for the following day.

We started talking, when she suddenly started laughing about something. I said “what the heck’s so funny?” She said “don’t you dare tell Kim I told you this” then she said “didn’t you hear us whispering in the bedroom?”

“Yea, but I didn’t pay attention.”

“Kim didn’t have anything to wear to sleep in tonight so I gave her a pair of my underwear and a nightgown to wear.”


“She was worried you would see her boobs” she said as she again laughed.

“I told her not to worry, that you wouldn’t look.”

We both chuckled about it together then I said “OK I won’t look at or say anything to her.”

Just then, the phone rang. Kathy picked it up and I went back into the living room. A few moments later, Kim came through and went into the bedroom, took a pillow off the bed, came back out, and threw it on the smaller couch across from where I was sitting then laid down on her side facing me. As always, she was smiling.

“Do you feel better after that shower?”

“Yes, a lot better.” She anwered.

She was wearing the nightgown Kathy had given her. It was a sheer light blue satiny material, sleeveless with a little strip of white lace around the neckline and bottom edge. When Kathy wore it, her boobs would really stick out and it would just about reach her crotch. Kim was still shorter and looked so cute in it. It went down to about half way between her hip and knee. The front neckline was really low on her. The blue material brought out the deep blue in her eyes. Surrounded with the blonde hair, she looked like an angel from heaven.

My cock was starting to swell again. With little holding it down, I quickly crossed my legs and put them up on the coffee table and grabbed a pillow from the couch to help hide it. Needless to say, I was getting excited!

Kathy came into the living room and said “Becky’s on the phone. She’s supposed to go do a lingerie party tonight but she’s sick and wants to know if I would go do it for her. Would you mind if I went? I should be home by midnight.” Then she looked at Kim and said “Do you mind? I’ll make it up to you next weekend.”

Kim said “No, it’s all right.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! Kathy was about to go out for three or four hours and leave me there alone with the cutest thing I had ever seen. My cock was throbbing, my heart started pounding like a freight train and I had to try and stay calm or at least look it.

Like a dummy I said “Are you sure you want to go. Aren’t you tired?” Then I thought to myself ‘What the hell are you saying?’

“No, I’m OK, besides I owe Becky the favour.”

I then quickly said “OK, I don’t mind.”

She hung up the phone, went and got changed, then gave both me and Kim a kiss and left. A few minutes later, I heard the car pull out of the driveway.

Kim was reading a magazine so I quickly got up and went into the kitchen so she couldn’t see my bulging cock. I took a drink of water then called out and asked “Do you want a soda?”

“No thanks.”

I took a few minutes to calm down then grabbed a soda for myself and went and sat back down. As I looked over at her, she was putting the magazine down on the coffee table.

“Why don’t you put the pillow over there so you can watch the TV?” I was pointing to the other end of the couch I was sitting on.

I didn’t even finish saying it before she jumped up and moved over to the couch I was on. She threw the pillow down and lay with her head at the other end of the couch. Her knees were slightly bent so she could put her feet down next to my thigh. She pulled the nightgown down to cover her legs, as far as it would go as she looked at me, shyly smiling. The nightgown had just made it over the edge of her elegant knees.

There I was, with this adorable girl laying down half naked, just to my right. My body temperature must of shot up about 10 degrees when I felt the heat from her feet touched my naked thigh. I quickly grabbed the pillow I had before, to cover up what the thin nylon shorts I had on weren’t able to hide.

I looked down at her and said “You can put your feet up on my lap if you want.”

She repositioned herself a little, then lifted them up and placed them on my lap, almost touching my aching cock. I gently put both of my hands on her feet and massaged them a little. She smiled at me then turned back towards the TV, closed her eyes, and seemed to really relax.

I was doing all I could do to control myself! I slowly started to gently rub her ankles and the front and back of her lower calves. She was so soft and her flesh was so hot! My left hand softly rubbed her feet while my right hand slowly moved a little higher up her calves. I couldn’t seem to be able to control myself. My mind was trying to say no but my hands and eyes were saying yes!

As my right hand reached the back of her knees, I gently lifted the bottom edge of her nightgown above them. I ever so slowly and so softly started to touch the backs of her knees. She jerked her legs away for a moment, looked up at me and said “that tickles.” Then she put them back down exactly like they had been.

“I’m sorry, I’ll try not to tickle you.” Then I started to gently rub the backs of her knees again.

As I looked down and saw her lying on her right side, her blonde hair was shinning in the dim light of a lamp mounted on the distant wall. The only other light in the room was coming from the TV on the floor across the room. I looked at her legs just above where my hand was. I could see the fine blonde hair on the backs of them. She was so young and so beautiful.

My hand started to slowly caress the backs of her thighs. I was getting real nervous, afraid I would scare her. She just lied there still and relaxed. Her leg muscles were soft not tense. My hand slowly made its way up to the bottom edge of her undies. I was in heaven. I couldn’t believe how fantastic she felt! My fingertips were caressing every single inch of the backs of her legs slowly and lovingly. I gently picked up the nightgown and raised it up above her hip, just below her waist. She looked up at me as I whispered “you’re not wearing those cute little fish.” Then smiling at her, I said “you still look cute and sexy though.” She smiled and giggled.

Riiiing ... The damn phone rang and scared the hell out of both of us. We both jumped! I immediately got up, forgetting I had the biggest hard on pushing my shorts out like there was no tomorrow. I quickly ran into the kitchen to answer it. It was my brother in law. I wanted to kill him right then and there. “What are you doing” he said. “Nothing at the moment” I barked. “What’s up. What do you want” I asked? He wanted to borrow my scuba gear the next day so I said OK and hung up. Man was I pissed. Here I am dying from near ecstasy and this “jackass” who never, ever calls me, decides to call me tonight of all nights! I couldn’t believe it.

The source of this story is HotSexStories

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