A Wild Family Party - Cover

A Wild Family Party

Copyright© 2024 by Hank Borden

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - The party gets out of hands

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

“Teddy, how old do you have to be to fuck?”

“I don’t know, Kim, but Mom and Dad aren’t so old, and we’ve seen them fuck before.”

“Yes, but we’re still quite young. Do you think that we’re old enough to fuck? Do you, Teddy?”

“I don’t know, maybe.”

“I hope so, because I feel like fucking someone tonight.”

Tucked in her bed in the room she shared with her brother, Kim lay listening to the howling wind and the beating rain outside her window. Every time lightning flashed or thunder erupted she’d pull the blankets up over her head and grab hold of her tits for comfort. Teddy, lying in the bed beside hers, only laughed and teased her for being a sissy.

Kim paid him no mind. As far back as she could remember, late-night thunderstorms had made her want to curl up beneath the blankets and play with herself. When younger, she would cup her pussy in both hands and squeeze her pussy-lips tight; but lately, with the blossoming of her tits, she found she could get almost as much pleasure by squeezing them.

Tonight, however, she found little pleasure in squeezing her tits or her cunt. She remained horny and anxious.

The naughty neighbours downstairs also had contributed to her horny state of mind, she believed. Several had pinched her tits and her ass as she walked by them in her nightie. One, with the smell of whiskey on his breath, had pressed against her in the doorway and forced his cock- bulge into her ass-crack. She easily escaped him but not until after he had gotten his kicks--and she had gotten hers. Thinking about the incident now made her smile.

“Who are you going to fuck?” Teddy asked.

“The best-looking hunk I can find down stairs.”

“You mean, you’re going to fuck one of the grownups at the party?”

“One or two.”

“Are you crazy?” Teddy sat up in his bed and looked to the other bed, at Kim.

“No, I’m not crazy. There are some handsome men downstairs. And most of them seem to be well hung. Believe me, I know.” She reached down and rubbed her ass, remembering.

“But they’re grownups! They won’t want you.”

“That’s what you think. I saw the lust in those men’s eyes when I walked past them in my nightie. And I’ve still got the bruises on my tits and ass to prove that they were interested in more than just the weather. One squeezed my tits so hard my nipples swelled up. It felt great.”

“Even so,” Teddy said, “none of them will risk fucking you with Mom and Dad around and with so many of the other neighbours nearby.”

“How do you know?”

“Believe me, Kim, no one will be stupid enough to fuck the hosts’ young daughter when the chances of getting caught are so great.”

“Then I’ll just make sure I’m not the hosts’ daughter when I fuck him.”

“What do you mean? How can you not be their daughter?”

“By pretending to be someone else, stupid.”

“Who will you be?”

“It doesn’t matter. I’ll simply disguise myself so I won’t look like me. Then I’ll go down to the party and have a good time like everyone else. I should get away with it, everyone says that I have big tits.”

As she spoke, she lifted her nightie and showed her jutting pink tits to her brother as if to prove that she wasn’t lying.

“But even if you could fool them, what good would it do? You’re still a virgin, you don’t know anything about fucking.”

“What’s to know? I’ll just wriggle my nice ass and jut out my big tits, and they’ll do the rest. Shit, it oughta be fun. Now, are you going to help me with my disguise, or are you going to lie there and complain all night?”

“I’ll help you, Sis.”

Twenty minutes later Kim was standing in the doorway of the living room, gazing down upon her neighbours, who were sitting and standing around with drinks in their hands. She didn’t have to worry about being recognized, for her brother and she had seen to that. She felt safe in her disguise, even from her own parents.

Upon her head she wore her mother’s wig; so she was no longer a blonde, but a brunette with short wavy hair. Her face now glowed with just the night amount of lipstick, powder, and mascara to give her an entirely different look. She wore one of her mother’s new dresses. It sported a shockingly low neckline, and its sheer pink fabric had frightened her when she first looked it herself in the mirror and saw her naked tits and black panties showing through. But she had shrugged off the fear and now felt wonderfully wicked in her new attire. Her mother’s black stockings and heels completed the outfit.

And luckily Kim had a firm ass! Someone just pinched her!

She turned around with a start, then got the shock of her life when she saw that it was not a man but a woman who had sampled her goodies. What’s more, the woman was known to Kim. She was a librarian who lived with another woman in the big house on the corner. There was no mistaking her, what with those thick glasses and that broad-shouldered suit she always wore. That attire, Kim thought, definitely put to waste the woman’s pretty face and shapely body.

“I beg your pardon,” Kim said. “But that’s my ass you’re pinching.”

“And a rather nice ass it is, young lady. Here, have a drink.” The woman offered Kim a glass of wine.

Young lady! Have a drink! Kim thought as she accepted the offering. Wow, this disguise is working!

“My name’s Laura, and I couldn’t help but notice how alone you were. Would you like to join my friend and I for some delightful conversation?” Laura pointed toward the near corner, where a tall, thin woman stood. The woman waved back and winked at Kim.

Kim recognized the other woman as Laura’s housemate. She smiled politely but had no intention of winding up in bed with a couple of dykes.

“I’m sorry, but I’m with someone,” she lied. “And there he is, I must go to him. If you’ll excuse me.”

Holding onto the drink, Kim turned to escape.

“What a pity,” Laura said. “You don’t know what you’re going to miss.”

Sipping the wine, Kim left the librarian and crossed the living-room floor. But she couldn’t pass the refreshment table without stopping to sample the hors d’oeuvres.

It was while she was reaching for a slice of cheese that someone’s cock-bulge dug into her ass. The sudden impact nearly sent her flying across the table, but she pressed back into him and righted herself just in time. Then, red-faced, she turned around to see who in the hell was being so fresh--not that she minded any, but she was curious.

Uncle Jack!

“Excuse me, I didn’t mean to startle you. I was just trying to squeeze by your--”

“My ass.” Kim hoped her voice didn’t give her away.

“Er, yes, that’s right,” he said, smiling. “And it is a nice one.”

“So I’ve been told,” Kim said, flirting. She was glad to see that Uncle Jack didn’t recognize her. He looked good in his jacket and tie. And in his tight pants. But then, Uncle Jack had always looked good to her.

She had fond memories of her uncle. When she was little, she developed an intense crush on him, a crush that had her following him around the house whenever he visited. She would steal kisses and climb into his lap whenever possible. But mostly she just wanted to gaze upon him.

Later, her interest turned more towards his lap. She’d wait until he was alone; then she’d climb right up, lean back into him, and begin wriggling her ass. She could still remember how wonderful his cock- bulge felt against her ass-cheeks, and how great his hands felt beneath her dress. Looking back, though, she felt he should have discouraged her from being so naughty.

Rather, he only encouraged her the more. By the time her titties had blossomed, Uncle Jack was constantly coming over to the house, bringing her gifts, about which she had to promise not to tell anyone. Usually he’d arrive moments after she had gotten home from school, while her parents were still at work. Since her older brother and sister were away at college, her uncle only had to send Teddy to the store for some ice-cream in order to be alone with her. And he did just that on many occasions.

And when he was finally alone with her, he’d take her up to her bedroom and present her with her gift, which was usually a pair of tiny panties or a flimsy bra designed for an adult. Then he’d sit on the bed and watch while she tried on the garment in front of him. Often, he would assist her, allowing his fingers to constantly brush against her bare flesh.

She found his gifts and his attention extremely stimulating. They made her feel grownup, mature. She believed her uncle thought of her as an adult; otherwise, he wouldn’t have brought her such gifts. She was very happy, at the time, that her uncle thought so much of her.

The gifts continued for many weeks, so did the touching and feeling. Then Uncle Jack’s new job took him to another city and left her with only fond memories. But now, a year later, he was back in town for the holidays, and her love for him was the same.

Because the house had been astir the last couple of days with holiday visitors, Kim had not had a chance to be alone with her uncle. Their reunion had consisted only of a mild hug. But he had winked at her to show that he still remembered the good times they had, and that had been enough for her.

But was that enough now?

“My name is Jack, Jack Thomas. What’s yours?” He flashed pearly white teeth, and Kim struggled not to blush.

She also struggled to think of a name. “Er, ah, Becky. Yes, my name’s Becky.”

He really doesn’t recognize me! That thought gave her mixed feelings, for in reality Uncle Jack wasn’t coming on to Kim but to a strange girl. Kim wondered if she should be jealous, angry even--or should she be thankful to have her uncle any way she could get him.

She also thought of revealing her real identity to him; but she nixed that idea when she realized that he might not be interested in screwing around with his own niece in such crowded quarters where, as her brother had pointed out, the chances of getting caught were so great.

In fact, Kim herself wasn’t so hot about getting caught fucking her uncle. No, better to remain unknown to everyone, she decided. That way, even if she did get caught doing something naughty, no one would give a damn, this being such a wild party, after all.

“Well, Becky, you seem bored. I know I am. Why don’t the two of us go back to my motel room and see if we can find something exciting to do?”

“I’m sorry, but I really don’t want to leave the party,” Kim told him. Then, with a sexy smile, she said, “But there must be some empty rooms upstairs. Shall we go look?”

“Good enough. You’re my kind of girl, Becky. You don’t play games with a guy. You know just what you want.”

“I sure do.”

Kim let her uncle guide her upstairs to an empty guest room. Though confident in her disguise, she still looked about nervously as she walked, hoping not to run into her parents.

When they had closed the door behind them, Kim breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn’t believe her good fortune. She had not only gotten herself a man, but the one man whom she truly loved. And there was no one around to interfere.

“You’re young and beautiful, just the way I like them,” he said as he began to shed his clothes. “I can’t wait to get inside those panties.”

He was staring right through her dress. His intense gaze was like fire on her flesh.

Kim stood still as a statue, while her uncle gradually showed her more and more of his hard body. He had never before exposed himself to her, but she was glad that he was now doing so. She looked on in awe, now conscious of a slight trembling in her limbs.

“Aren’t you going to join me?” he asked when he was down to his shorts and socks. “It takes two to tango, baby.”

Kim nodded. She had thought she’d be much braver, but her inexperience was beginning to show, and she wasn’t sure if she could go through with fucking her uncle. She reached up with trembling fingers and fumbled with the zipper of her dress.

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