A Wild Family Party - Cover

A Wild Family Party

Copyright© 2024 by Hank Borden

Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - The party gets out of hands

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   Nephew   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Janice didn’t find the twins in the living room or the dining room, and she was getting worried. Where could they be? She was determined to keep looking, especially for Kim’s sake. That kid was too big-titted to be allowed to run loose around so many rowdy men.

As Janice moved toward the den to continue her search, she noticed buckets of rain beating against the windows, and occasional flashes lighting up the sky outside.

She stepped into the den and found herself in the midst of more of her neighbours, all in evening dress and with drinks in their hands. A tall raven-haired beauty who lived down the street came up to her and smiled. “Janice, I’ve been looking all over for you.”

“And I’ve been looking all over for my twins. Have you seen them, Joy?”

“No, but I’ve seen Larry. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” The woman’s blue dress clung like a grape skin. Joy was one of the few women at the party who could match Janice curve for curve.

“Larry? What’s he done?”

“He’s grown up, that’s what he’s done. Your Larry isn’t a little boy, anymore. He’s been hitting on many of the older women here, me included, telling them that he’s got a ten-inch surprise for them if they want it. Hell. I would’ve accepted the offer if my husband weren’t here. But you know how jealous Tom can get.”

“Where is Larry now?”

“I don’t know, maybe someone accepted his offer.” Joy winked and nudged Janice, then continued on her way, swinging her hips as she walked.

“Bitch!” Janice said under her breath. “I wish she could accept an offer from my son, I’d hang her up by her toes!”

Did her teenaged son really think he was old enough to fuck grown women? Jan wondered. Or was this simply a case of too much wine?

Ten inches!

Janice never once considered the possibility that her son just might be old enough to make his own decisions. That thought never crossed her mind. No, to her, he was still a boy. Her boy. Why, it seemed like just yesterday that she was giving him baths and helping him dress for school.

Still, there was some doubt. Could it be that I just don’t want Larry to go to bed with any woman but me? she wondered.

Nonsense, she decided.

“Janice, are you asleep on your feet? I was just talking to you. Hey, anybody home?”

Janice came to her senses and turned her head to discover a tall moustached young man grinning down at her. “Oh, I’m sorry, I was thinking about something. What did you say?”

It was Roger from across the street. He had already made five passes at her in the six months she had known him. She hoped this wasn’t another.

“I merely asked you if you were aware that your twins are running around loose in their pyjamas. I mean, I know it’s none of my business, but that Kim is something else, and if some guy catches her alone somewhere--”

“Where are they?”

“Well, I’m not sure, but I believe they ran down that hallway a few minutes ago.” He pointed to another doorway on the other side of the den. It led into a hall, which ran toward the rear of the house, where the locked study was located.

“Thank you, Rog. I’ll find them.”

“Would you like some help?” He reached behind her and pinched her on the ass. “You know how eager I am to help you.”

“Not now, Rog. Enjoy the party.” Then, to keep him interested, she said, “Maybe later. When I have more time.”

She gave him a sexy smile then crossed the room through a noisy crowd.

Before she reached the doorway, Janice noticed Uncle Jack sitting on the sofa with two other couples. He wasn’t with Sue as Janice had hoped; instead, he had his arm around a little blonde. Janice was mildly shocked to see such a big handsome man snuggling up to a girl obviously young enough to be his daughter. It just didn’t seem right, somehow.

Janice wanted to give him a piece of her mind, but was afraid she’d disrupt the party. In any case she wasn’t sure if she could now trust him to be alone with her own two daughters, his nieces.

It was some time later when Janice finally found the twins. She happened upon them outside the study door in the rear of the house, where no party guests were to be seen. She had heard soft giggling and whispering; and when she looked around the corner, there they were. She was about to call to them, until she realized what they were up to. The sight shocked her.

The two of them were on their knees, peering through the keyhole of the locked door. Their blonde heads moved back and forth as they took turns peeking. And while they peeked, Teddy’s right hand moved at will beneath his sister’s nightie, fondling her round ass; while Kim’s left hand moved around inside her brother’s pyjama bottom, groping at his cock.

“All right, you two, that’s enough of that.” Janice’s sudden appearance in the hallway scared the shit out of the twins.

They jumped to their feet, open-mouthed and red-faced. Teddy had an obvious hard-on; his sister had swollen tits. Janice couldn’t have been more surprised; she had always thought of the twins as her babies. She was now at a loss for words.

“Naughty! Naughty! Naughty! You--you’ve disobeyed me. I want the two of you to go up to bed this instant! Do you hear me?”

“Yes, Mommy,” they said in unison.

“Then go! In the morning your father and I are going to have a long talk with you both. Count on it!”

Shit, I don’t believe it. One moment they’re babies, and the next moment they’re interested in sex. Well, the first thing I’m going to have to do is place them in separate bedrooms.

She watched them climb the staircase at the end of the hall, then said to herself, “Now, what on earth were those two looking at?”

The blonde hiked up her dress so it wouldn’t split then got down on her knees on the soft carpet and peeked through the keyhole. It took a while for her eyes to adjust to the dim light inside, but when the picture finally came into focus, she was greeted with another shock.

Her son Larry was in the study. The boy must have gotten hold of the key and let himself in. He was not alone. The widow, Jill, who lived across the street was with him. The two of them were naked and lying on the carpet in front of the desk. They were not sleeping.

Janice did nothing rash. She just knelt there, watching and listening to everything that went on inside the study.

“Oh, boy, does your tongue feel good on my pussy. You may be young, but you eat pussy as well as any man I’ve ever known.” Jill spread her thighs wider and arched her back. Her head and shoulders rested comfortably on the soft carpet.

Larry snaked his tongue up and down her cunt-lips. He massaged them roughly, so roughly she squealed and shivered uncontrollably. But she was smiling the whole time, even when the youth’s spit began oozing down her inner thighs.

Larry licked her cunt-lips and stretched them apart. He soaked her cunt-hairs with his spit. He jolted her tender nerves without mercy. And in only a matter of minutes her cunt-lips were puffed up and throbbing wildly.

She moaned, shaking her head and licking her lips. “That’s right, boy, don’t be bashful. Lick the shit out of me!”

Knowing that they were alone in the study with the door locked from the inside, Jill had no inhibitions whatsoever.

Larry, a tall athletic youth with sandy hair and blue eyes, finally managed to work his tongue into the widow’s cunt-crack. He started licking immediately. He licked both sides of her cunt-crack, up and down the gash’s full length. His tongue took away her breath and filled her with all sorts of crazy sensations.

“Eeeee! Oh, shit! Lick my pussy, damn it!”

She thrust her pussy upward and dabbed pussy-juice on the youth’s nose.

Larry didn’t seem to mind. He pushed his tongue up into her fuck-hole with a rush that made her gasp aloud. He kept pushing, not giving her time to catch her breath. He forced apart her cunt-walls and her cunt- lips, and turned her crack into a chasm.

Panting heavily, Jill made her pussy as loose as she could so the kid’s tongue would not be hindered in any way. She welcomed his hot licker into her cunt-hole, enjoyed the blissful heat and spit that accompanied it. As his tongue slid deeper and deeper, she rolled her eyes and licked her lips, wondering if there was an end to his tongue.

When his tongue’s forward movements finally did end, Jill was jolted again by his hot lips, which pressed into her sensitive cunt-meat. She shivered hard and clamped her pussy tight around Larry’s tongue, a position she maintained for several seconds until the kid’s muffled shouts and wild bucking brought her to her senses and made her relax her grip.

With her pussy-hole open again, the youth began working his tongue around and around her slippery cunt. He forced her cunt-walls every which way. He brought the blood in her cunt to a quick boil, so that her fuck-meat swelled up some more and turned apple red.

“Aaagh!” she cried out, shivering.

Larry reamed her pussy-hole thoroughly, lapping up pussy-juices along with his own spit. He unfolded the many folds of fuck-meat. Around and around moved his tongue; from side to side swung her head.

Suddenly her head shot back. Her eyes bugged out. Her body tensed. Larry had plunged his tongue into her cunt up to the hilt.

“Eeeee!” she squealed, her lips quivering. “Shit, it feels just like a cock!”

The youth began shaking his tongue up and down her cunt-hole, fucking her deep. He jolted her tender cunt-walls mercilessly from every angle. He scraped her clit until it stood at attention and threatened to pop. He stirred her cunt-juices into a soupy froth. He had Jill panting loudly and cursing under her breath.

“This is crazy!” the widow cried.

She could hear squashing noises emanating from her plugged-up cunt, could feel spit oozing down her inner thighs. Wild blissful joy began sweeping through her body, and she began pumping her cunt against the trespassing tongue.

She pumped hard and fast, until the friction became unbearable. Then she pumped even harder. And all the time, Larry was tongue-fucking her with sloppy strokes. She soon found out that this was more than she could handle.

“Oh, yesss! I’m coming!” Spasms overtook her, and she shook and trembled beneath him. Spit dribbled from her quivering lips. Strange sounds escaped her throat. Her cunt twitched and jerked and finally erupted with a load of cunt-juice.

Larry lapped up her dripping fuck-juices with no concern for manners. He filled the air with lewd lapping noises. He slopped cunt-juice all over her hairy groin and her inner thighs. He also got his nose drenched with fuck-juice. And through it all, Jill shivered and whimpered and gasped aloud.

The widow licked her lips while the kid licked her cunt clean. She moved her ass in circles as he licked her so that she could feel his tongue all over her cunt. She knew that he would do a thorough job. But she was impatient and extremely horny, so she kept her ass moving.

When she finally pushed his face away from her pussy, it was only so she could turn around and suck his prick. She wasted little time in bending over the youth and wrapping her lips around his thick red bulb.

The heat blasted her throat, and the meaty aroma filled her nostrils as she got a firm grip. She held onto the bulb for several seconds while it throbbed gently against her cheeks. Then, she spat out the prick- head and began licking it. Larry lay still on his back, moaning softly while stroking the woman’s flowing red hair.

She snaked her tongue up and down his cock-head, coating the cock with her spit and making it very slippery. The sloping bulb was soon shining.

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