Nudist Home - Cover

Nudist Home

Copyright© 2024 by John D. Rodburn

Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Waking from a coma, a man finds himself in a new nudist reality

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

Jen was true to her word. I was at the pictures for the next four hours, and she came to the door. She stepped just inside the door with nothing but a very small bra and a thong on. She turned as if she was a model on the runway.

“I told you.” She turned back to face me. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Why should I mind? This just means that I’ll be saving some money.”

She put her hands on her hips. “What?”

“Now I can have the internet turned off.” We both laughed.

As she walked toward me, I couldn’t help but check out what she was wearing. The bra was a little more than just covering her nipples. The thong was a slender band that went around her waist, and a narrow strip that went between her legs, then connected to a string that was caught by her ass cheeks. She sat on the cushion to my left, with her right leg tucked under her.

“And to think that you’d get this close,” I said.

“Why shouldn’t I get this close?”

“Duh! I’ve really been out of circulation for the better part of four years now.”

“Just wait until we get you transformed.”

“I am not into guys, sis.”

“I didn’t mean that. Kate and I are going shopping tomorrow and it’s mostly going to be for you.”

“Damn. I’m in trouble now.”

“Yeah, you are.” As she got up, she faced away from me, and I got the full view of her ass. She turned back to me. “Have you ever worn Speedos? There are some out there that are a little skimpier than them. Yeah. I’d say you’re in trouble.” She turned and left the room.

You know, it was bad enough that I’d been sitting there all day looking at hundreds of pictures of my sisters in various stages of undress, and even making love. Then Jen walked in with almost nothing on. As she was leaving, Kate came rushing in with nothing on. She spotted Jen and grabbed her arm. Then she realized that I was sitting there.

“Oops,” she said as she half-assed covered herself. “I forgot you were home.”

“Don’t mind me. I’m just pretty decoration around here.”

She looked at Jen. “They’re going at it. Come on.” She started tugging on her sister’s arm.

Jen looked at me. “If you want to watch a real show, come on.”

Jen helped me into the wheelchair and she pushed me to the elevator. Almost as soon as she pressed the button, the doors opened.

“You know, Kevin, we don’t just like each other.”

“What? You have girlfriends?”

“No. Nothing like that. We like men too. I guess you could say that we’re bi-sexual. Although neither of us has had a man yet, we’re still looking for that right one.”

“Sis, all I want is for you to be happy. If it is with another woman, or each other, then that’s the way it will be.” I turned my head toward her. “Just let me keep editing your pictures, and I’ll be happy.” We laughed.

We got to Kate’s room and went out onto the balcony. There, she had a telescope set up with a camera attached to it. It was a camcorder and I could hear it running.

“You’re taping it?”

“Yeah,” Kate said. “I don’t know how many hours I have on our computer. I need to get them on DVDs one of these days.”

Kate was at the telescope and watching the camera screen. I was sitting there looking at her naked body.

“I think the women of this house just want to aggravate me for some reason.”

“Just wait,” Jen said. “You’ll be joining us soon enough. You won’t have a choice either.”

The doctor had told me that my normal sex drive would take time to return because of how long I’d had a catheter stuck up my dick. I think it was coming back now.

I stood up and looked at the view screen. Kate just moved her head a little so I could see. I was right behind her.

“Oh shit,” she said. “He’s got her in the ass now.”

Sure enough, that boy was tearing that little booty hole up, and to make things worse for me, I was right up against Kate’s naked body. I backed up just a little to sit back down when my pants suddenly dropped to my knees.


“BOXERS?” Jen yelled. “Oh hell-to-the-no you won’t. IF you wear anything at all around here it will be the Speedos that we’re going to get you. Do you understand me?”

“What I wear or don’t wear...”

“Will be up to us,” she said defiantly. “Let’s go sis. Just leave the camera running and you can look at it later.”

“Don’t touch the settings,” Kate said, as Jen grabbed her arm and pulled her away. Her bare tits brushed my arm.

There I was, in that really big house, all alone. I leaned up against the rail and looked down at our yard. There was the biggest pool that I had ever seen, with a cabana off to one back corner of it. Out farther, there was a gazebo with roses all the way around it. From where I stood, it looked to be made with rough-cut Cedar. “That is some expensive wood,” I told myself.

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